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Can I mix Zoloft and Xanax?


chuck1957 19 Oct 2016

sky; Yes and I would assume that these are coming from the same doctor. But this is a common combination for Anxiety and Stress etc. Many people take these two together remember it is very Important to take the Zoloft at about the same time each day and then take the Xanax as the doctor has prescribed for you be it at regular times or as needed. I don't know how long you have been on the Zoloft just remember when you first start it this medication can even make your symptoms worse for the first week or two, This is where the Xanax comes in and you can use it for the severe anxiety. Just remember that the Zoloft as you continue to take it you should start to feel more of the benefits within 3 to 4 weeks and it well continue to help but it does take 6 to 8 weeks to reach a steady blood level. You may not even notice any of these problems some like myself had no problems at all with the Zoloft then others have a hard time dealing with the side effects but just remember whatever you get unless they are just unbearable they well go away shortly after you start it. Hope this is the right combination for you so anyway make sure you take the Zoloft at about the same time each day. Some prefer it in the morning others take it at night but whatever you do stick to whatever time that works the best for you. Myself I always take it as soon as I get up so I don't forget. And always remember to take the Xanax only as the doctor says. Have a great day and bear with it I can't tell you how much better life is once they find the right combination for you. We well hope it is this. Stay positive, keep a sense of humor,and don't beat yourself up we can be our own worse enemy.

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