After being on probably every known antidepressant for the last 40 yrs , I've now just been prescribed mirtazapine 15mg and my prior sertraline was dropped to half dose for two weeks so taking both together, now two weeks up and I'm Hyper, anxious, angry, tearful, having wooshing elec sparkles in my head , any thoughts ideas? Do I ask for higher dose or ask for change ,
On a plus I must say sleeping better
Mirtazapine - Newly prescribed mirtazapine 15 mg?
Question posted by Dum spero Spiro on 3 March 2022
Last updated on 3 April 2022 by Sandrac83
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
4 Answers
Hi there I would advise you to ask for a change in meds , these tablets did this to me and I ended up with sepsis, please be careful.
I have also been left allergic to other medications & food allergies.
I'm trying to raise awareness everywhere.
I started 50mg a day with Zoloft. But it made me feel foggy and flat within 48 hours. I also experienced teariness? Once that happened I knew something wasn’t quite right and I began exploring other meds. Zoloft also gave me bad insomnia ! I felt wired and ready to run a marathon or something . I also experienced “ hyper-mania “and felt like I was high as a kite? I then stopped taking Zoloft cold turkey after this 10dsy trial an i refused to start it ever again I was so exhausted from lack of sleep!
So they started MIRTAZAPINE 15mg in the evening. And it made a big diff in my anxiety/mood the following day .impressive response from an A-Typical antidepressant
I took Zoloft (Sertraline) for several months years ago. When I discontinued too quickly, on doctors orders, I developed a lot of weird symptoms including “brain zaps”, involuntary leg movements (which haven’t gone away), dizziness, akathisia (like being caffeinated all the time, almost anxiety-like) & insomnia. Look up Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome or Antidepressant Discontinuation Disorder/Syndrome to see symptoms. mirtazapine should more often cause fatigue and lethargy so your symptoms may be more likely discontinuing Zoloft. I’d consider and, if it seems likely, ask your doctor if you could taper off of the Zoloft more slowly. Halving your dose right off the bat seems too quick to me. Usually these symptoms go away but, as in my case, some can persist. The only treatment I’ve read (in the Wiki page for AWS and/or ADD/S) is to go back to the original dose of Zoloft for a couple of weeks then taper off more slowly e.g. 25-50mg every 2 weeks. Best wishes.
Well that sounds terrible. I too am going through a change with my medication. Zoloft seems not to be working. They added mirtazapine, 15mg, which helped a little. Yes, better sleep but weird dreams. The doctor had me do a saliva test to determine which antidepressant would work best. So in the meantime I am just waiting. Some days ok, some bad. I have no idea if this Tempus test is going to help. For you it will probably take a few weeks to a month to see if medication change works. It is rough tapering off and starting different medications. Take care and let us know what works out for you.
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depression, mirtazapine, sertraline, dosage, borderline personality disorder, antidepressant, prescription, antidepressants
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