Mirtazapine 30mg is daytime tiredness as good as it gets after 4 weeks?
Question posted by Matt1979 on 21 Dec 2022
Last updated on 22 December 2022
I have been prescribed this for anxiety - depression and sleep problems .
It’s definitely helping , but what’s the the best time to take it for sleep? Sometimes I feel a bit “activated” and take a while to fall asleep. (Sleep fine when i drift off) I’ve been on it for nearly 4 weeks and am still suffering with brain fog and tiredness during the day (although It has got better) would it be worth giving it some more time ? ( I’ve never been on a med before )
I’ve had a terrible year with health and divorce and was in a terrible state and needed help for sure , but I wonder if anyone else is worried and anxious about the difficulties in coming off when they’re recovered ?. I really just want to be on for a short a time as possible as a kind of “intervention “ whilst I’m waiting for my surgery and divorce to finalise . I kinda feel defeated that I needed to go on a med . Hopefully that makes some sort of sense .
In a nutshell ,will daytime tiredness continue to improve ? And , who anxious about being on medication and the struggles in coming off ?
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22 Dec 2022
Try not to think of yourself as defeated -- most of us buckle a bit when life gives us hard knocks. There's no shame in taking medication for mental health, just as with our bodily health. I was put on Mirtazapine a couple of years ago when my anxiety & depression became intolerable. I was prescribed 30mg per day, taken an hour before retiring. I couldn't tolerate that dose; my head felt stuffed with cotton wool & managing every task was a struggle. I reduced to 15mg per day with no side effects & felt fine in the daytime & it definitely helped with my night time sleep, important when dealing with depression. Having largely got over my mental health issues, I'm now tapering off with no ill effects. Hope this helps in some way.
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22 Dec 2022
That’s good to hear. My doctor has suggested cutting the dose. I had the understanding that a lower dose was more sedating, though. I’m going to test it! Cheers