In March I had Total knee replacement which caused major congestive heart failure. After 3 stents, I've been taking 50 mg of this med. l haven't felt the same mentally since knee surgery, and now I am desperate and scared. The depression I've always suffered is now beyond unbearable, but cognitive issues I've never felt in my life and are hard to explain. I can't think! In October, 22nd, had another surgery fix ripped foot tendons, I hated to do it but couldn't begin to walk till done. So now, I lay here on living room bed, scared I am losing my mind. I am not eating, I know doesn't help, I am trying to start. I know so many factors, but I am very sensitive to meds, so I wondered if any possibility it could be this medicine adding to mental issues? . I am so tired, and just brushing my teeth is too hard. My memory is not right! Oh geez... There is something so off, and I can't quite explain it, but fear isn't helping! Thank you so much for kindness reading my question!