I have begun taking L-methylfolate as an adjunct to my anti-depressant - which is Viibryd (at a dose of 40 mg per day). I have been on a number of different anti-depressants and so far Viibryd has been the most effective - although for me it seems to have more of an anti-anxietant effect than an anti-depressant effect. Based on years of experience I largely consider myself to be I be some what resistant to the effects of anti-depressants - though Viibryd seems to have lifted my mood by a couple of notches.
I also began taking Sam-e a few months ago and currently dose in an amount of 800 mg (400 mg twice) each day. I take the Sam-E largely for its supposed anti-arthritic properties. I have been cautioned about taking too much Sam-e while on an anti-depressant, however I have noticed no meaningful improvement in my mood at the current 800 mg dosing.

My question pertains to the action of L-methyfolate as an anti-depressant. My understanding is that L-methylfolate's anti-depressant effect comes from allowing the body to naturally produce Sam-e. But is that the only anti-depressant mechanism of L-methylfolate? If it is, why don't people just take Sam-e? Is taking Sam-e and L-methylfolate for depression redundant? As I gradually increase my intake of L-methylfolate (currently just started at 1,000 mcg per day) should I reduce my intake of Sam-e?

Any observations or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.