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Will methocarbamol 750mg help with pain for fractured ribs?


SwimKleySwim 9 Feb 2022

Before I say YES! Let's keep in mind that everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for others. With that in mind, I can confidently say yes it will help. From personal experience and being my mother's caretaker. While it's not made to treat "pain" alone like Tylenol or Morphine. It's made to relax your muscles and therefore your body as a whole. Which in turn is going to help with the pain indirectly. I would take with ibuprofen, Tylenol or hopefully something with a little more kick like a Vicodin or Percocet etc. (Depending on your Dr.) Good luck and please be so so careful. If you can, try to make a conscious effort not to fall or have any type of blows stronger than a light hug.

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masso 9 Feb 2022

I would not recommend medications (opioids) that one can become easily addicted to, for broken ribs. Plus both are controlled substances schedule 2 that can be easily abused and one can become physical and psychological dependent to.

And of course, you are 100% correct, everyone reacts differently to medications.

masso 8 Feb 2022

Yes, it is used short term.

NSAIDs also help.

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pain, methocarbamol

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