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Can I take all my medications together at one time?

8 Answers

Judy4u 15 June 2024

The truth is, which you won't likely hear from your doctor or pharmacist, as they make most of their money on you being ill, and taking their pills is, NO, you should usually NEVER take more than one medication at a time. Each medication is a complex mixture of chemicals, that break down in your stomach when mixed with acid, your stomach acid, known as hydrochloric acid, whose chemical composition is H³ClO, that is 3 hydrogen molecules mixed with one chlorine molecule and one oxygen molecule. Each medication is tested when only mixed with this one chemical compound. The only one that is available in your empty stomach. For example Tylenol (acetaminophen) is the chemical compound C8H9NO2. This mixture is broken down and is what gives pain relief.


If you take another pill (compound) like escitolopram which has a chemical formula of C20H21FN2O, you know have a combination of C20H21FN2O+C8H9NO2+H³ClO, which breaks down in to many unintended smaller compounds, and that is just one simple example. Every combination will produce an unknown amount of unaccounted for and untested compounds that will likely cause any number of unintended consequences within your body and to your health. It takes about 20-30 minutes for a pill to break down in your stomach and a little bit of time to work through your body into your bloodstream. It is always best practice, to avoid sicknesses caused by taking multiple pills at the same time, to take them at least 1 hour apart. With some compounds, it should be longer. And there are other factors like taking with or without food, or eating certain types of food with certain medications, like grapefruit, which causes the acid in your stomach to be stronger and increases potency. It is a great idea to use this website and add all the medications and other things that you put in your body to see if there are any 'known' issues. is great for that. Even the chemicals in your food can interact with each other potentially causing serious health issues such as cancer and other chronic diseases. Wishing you the best with your good health, and I hope this helps. Please take medications at one hour or so intervals apart. Bless you

Votes: +0
sharadonacres 8 Dec 2020

is it safe to take a medicine with all the other meds that I am taking now.

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jholroyd 27 Sep 2020

I am a male 79 years of age the medication i take every morning is
pms-perindopril 4mg
apo-clopidogrel 75mg
teva-buspirone 10mg
pms-yrazodone 50mg
apo-metoprolol 25mg
mar-ezetimibe 10mg
crestor 40mg

Votes: +0
bwin1432 7 Sep 2019

No because some medicines interacts with each other, so it might make some too strong or cause some to be diminished or it can cause you to become ill

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smileyhappy 13 Jan 2013


Call the pharmacist to ask. They know their meds the best!

Votes: +0
angel1662 13 Jan 2013

hello sandra 03,
You should follow the instructions that your doctor has put on the med bottle for he is the only one who can tell u what times wheather it be morning or night etc... I would follow the instructions on each bottle in my opinion...

Votes: +1
heatherlocust 12 Jan 2013

Could you give us a list of the medications you are on? Some are safe to take together, and others aren't. For example you don't want to take more than one medication that contains the active ingredient in Tylenol because too much can cause liver damage. You also don't want to take too many medications together that depress your central nervous system, it can cause slowed breathing and even worse. If you are afraid, please call your pharmacy and if yours isn't open just call a 24 hour pharmacy and ask them. There are also drug interaction checkers available on the Internet. Please be careful and I hope you feel better very soon.

Votes: +0
sharadonacres 8 Dec 2020

isosorbide brilinta bupropion atorvastatin metoprolol

kaismama 12 Jan 2013

It depends on what your medications are.

Votes: +1
cupcake7667 12 Jan 2013

Exactly free discount card

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