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Maximum dosage for trazadone for treatment of insomnia?

5 Answers

505eva 19 July 2018

I'm up to 200 mg. I thought I'd try to lower it, and went down to 150 mg for a week or so. Went back to 200 mg.

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Sherry Carrell 17 July 2018

What are the doses of Trazodone

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Missymayes 18 Oct 2017

I have taken a considerably high dose of trazodone and so have several people I know that use trazodone for sleep.
I have used higher than 100mg at night and I have a family member that takes 150mg.
It does depend on the individual I am sure but I know trazodone is a very safe, off label use medication for sleep with very minimal risk of any adverse reaction and certainly safe for insomnia and has been used for many years safely. I am not recommending you take high doses without your doctors approval but 25 and 50 mg dosing is very low and really a starting dose and can be titrated up in 25 to 50 mg increments nightly with very little concern.
Please always seek your doctors approval before increasing or stopping any medications. Good luck to you.

Votes: +1
chuck1957 6 Oct 2017

dh1968; masso has a great answer, And I have experienced the higher dose and it did not work as well. And also you don't want to ever increase the dose without your doctor.telling you so. many times with Trazodone if you have to go to higher doses it's best the doctor tries something else. good luck to you and have a good weekend. chuck1957

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masso 6 Oct 2017

When administered at low doses, Trazodone is considered an effective treatment for insomnia. A lower dose has a different mechanism of action than a higher one. Specifically lower dosages of Trazodone tend to elicit effects of 5-HT2A antagonism, H1 receptor antagonism, and Alpha-1 adrenergic antagonism. At higher doses, Trazodone also would significantly inhibit serotonin by targeting both 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C (serotonin receptors) and may not be as effective.

Source: Mental Health Daily

Votes: +2
masso 6 Oct 2017

I used to take 30 mgs. and it worked fine for me, bare in mind we all react different to medications, I suggest you speak with your Dr. about the dose. free discount card

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insomnia, sedation, trazodone, dosage, treatment

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