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How many 2mg lorazepam equal 2mg Xanax?


goldenyears2 7 Nov 2014


Votes: +0
cwake19 1 Nov 2012

1mg lorazepam = 0.5mg alprazolam (Xanax)

You can find this if you google the benzo equivalency chart. So in this case, 4mg lorazepam equals 2mg Xanax.

Hope this helps.

Votes: +1
cwake19 1 Nov 2012

Sorry you were asking how many, just to clarify...

TWO 2mg lorazepam tablets would equal 2mg of Xanax.

Lockwood1981 18 Dec 2012

So if I am prescribed 1mg lorazepam, then 4 of my 0.5 lorazepams equals 1 2mg xanax? free discount card

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xanax, anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, lorazepam

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