Hello all, first time poster here! Hoping someone can help...
I've been taking macrobid for a UTI for approx 3 days. I have also recently been experiencing itchiness on my lower legs. I thought it was just razor burn or bug bites but today i noticed what appears to be a rash. It has spread up my legs, to my upper thighs. But it's VERY light and i can't capture it in pictures. There's a reddish-blotchy tint to my skin. It's slightly itchy in some places & I find myself absent-mindedly scratching but it's not to the point where I'm constantly feeling the need to scratch. Could this be a side effect of the macrobid? The problem is that I'm unsure of when exactly i first noticed the itching & I can't find pics or a description of how a rash caused by macrobid actually presents.