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Is a M365 a Norco or just a Vicodin?

18 Answers Page 2

Wbherma 13 June 2015


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balbanese 5 July 2014


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daralee66 10 Feb 2016

Norco is just a brand name. As is Lortab. All hydocodone IS Vicoden.

lilitaly 18 Jan 2017

Yes all hydrocodone is vicodin

JustMeDs 17 Aug 2017

It's generic norco: 5mg hydrocodone and 325mg Tylenol

kaismama 4 July 2014

Since Norco and Vicodin are the same thing I don't know what you mean, it is hydrocodone 5 mg and acetaminophen 325 mg.

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pagodakicks 9 May 2015

They are not the same thing. While they both contain 5 mg of hydrocodone, Norcos only contain 325 mg acetaminophen whereas Vicodin contain 500mg.

Norco Pill Images

Vicodin Pill Images

M365 Pill Images

chineserocks 19 May 2015

Vicodin is a drug name. Norco is a manufacture of hydrocodone (Vicodin) they all only contain 325mgs of Tylenol.

BradleyVA 25 Oct 2015

I understand what you meant, to the person that says it's not the same thing I also understand what you're trying to say YES they are a little different but honestly 175mg of tylenol difference doesn't really stand in my mind as a different drug. I think what Kaismama was trying to say was that she didn't understand why the original poster had phrased the question 'Norco or JUST a vicodin' as if they thought they were completely different in some way. There is no real difference except for the 175mg APAP difference (roughly 1/4th of a standard OTC 500mg Tylenol) which is practically nothing at all. lol

BradleyVA 25 Oct 2015

Also to 'Chineserocks' Norco is not a manufacturer of Vicodin. Norco is a brand name like Vicodin for the Hydro/Apap combination that only has 325mg of Acetaminophen as opposed to the 500mg in the original "Vicodin" formula. In the instance of this question posed by the original poster asking to identify "M365" the manufacturer is Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals not 'Norco'.

3lizab3th 11 Aug 2016

Norco and Vicodin are the same. No one uses the name vicodin(Im not sure why) hydrocodone and Norco 5/325mg are the same. 500mg are no longer on the market. They have found that a,healthy liver can only handle 2g or 2000mg of Tylenol a day and how they are prescribed a lot of people were going over the 2000mg. So 325mg is redeemed a safer dose.

JustMeDs 17 Aug 2017

vicodin is the brand name. It has different strengths that go by other names such as norco, lorcet, lortab and Vicodin ES but all are brand.

Pharmaceutical companies such as mallinckrodt and Watson will manufacture a generic version of these drugs in all the different strengths drug.

All in all, the drug is a combination of hydrocodone and Tylenol at different strengths. Use caution as over dosing on Tylenol can cause liver damage and be life threatening.

JustMeDs 17 Aug 2017

Norco and vicoden are just brand names of the combination of the drug hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Depending on the strengths each one is given a different brand name.

Generically they're all just hydrocodone and acetaminophen.

Example: if your given a script for Vicodin ES the pharmacist will know it's for the 7.5/750, or Vicodin being 5/500 or lorcet 10/500 and you'll be given the generic version unless specifically requested by you or your doctor.

Norcos will usually specify the dose because it comes in 5/325, 7.5/325, and 10/325 hydrocodone/ acetaminophen.

JVoNN8989 6 Dec 2017

So what would Percocet be considered as in this subject that we're talking about? I'm curious because Vicodin makes me sick as Percocet does notp.

JustMeDs 7 Dec 2017

Percocet is a combination of Oxycodone and acetaminophen not Hydrocodone And acetaminophen. free discount card

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