I'm on my 7th day of Lyrica and the past two days, I have to take 1 - 75mg about 10 or 11 am, then another 75mg - before bed around 9pm - 10pm. I feel so clouded and cant seem to concentrate on anything, helping the nerve pain a bit, but I don't think I've been on the med long enough to help yet. How long do you have to be on this med before side effects go away? I hate feeling wobbly, dizzy and unable to focus, even though I hate the nerve pain worse. Any info someone may provide on their experience with this med would be so helpful thank you.
Lyrica? How long before side effects subside? When does the brain fog and lethargic feeling go away?
Question posted by dedejean on 23 Aug 2009
Last updated on 17 March 2021 by Kellygirl63
13 Answers
I had serious pain in 2016. I was on 200mg x 3 . I also was taking Meptid and Solpadeine. At that time the pain was so bad I think it out gunned all the side effects and my IBS vanished.
As my pain improved I just stopped taking them. It took me some time before I worked out why my IBS was back.
So recently I developed diabetic itch and I suggested Lyrica. I was prescribed 200mg morning and evening.
Totally different reaction. I slept 18 hours a day for a week. Completely wiped me out. I stopped 5 days ago but it took 48 hours before I felt normal.
I didn't get any sense of adjusting to the dosage at all which is why I stopped taking them.
Hope this helps some
I have been on Lyrica for a month and I’m increasing the dose by 25 mg x 2 a day. I’m currently on 125 mg in the morning and again at night and I cannot function at all. I’m on it for TMD, neuropathy and fibromyalgia and I just don’t know what to do. It is helping the pain, reducing it by around 50% but I cannot function and keep going like this. I’m doing a PhD and all I’ve done for a month is lay in bed/on the sofa. I keep being sick, passing out and I’m so teary and confused. Please tell me it will get better
I have actually been on Lyrica for over 10 years now, I started with a heavy dosage after acquiring nerve damage from a crush injury. I am now down to 1-2 150mg pills 1-2 times a day, The mental fog, memory loss and perception issues persist but are far better than when I was prescribed just Gabapentin. It is frustrating that after all these years the side effects have not reduced but I do not know of an alternate prescription that is as effective with lesser side effects. It is a true love/hate relationship with this drug.
I was prescribed 75mg Pregabalin once in the morning and 1 before bed for nerve pain caused by an operation to remove cancer. I’m 21 and currently a student. I am on a high intensity course and feel that Pregabalin has decreased my cognitive ability substantially! I cannot focus or concentrate on anything. I have been on the drug since the beginning of the year and only now am I beginning to feel it’s side effects. I tried to stop taking the drug however, the nerve pain is still very bad. The process feels like a catch 22. I was wondering if anybody has had a similar experience with the drug and if these symptoms will eventually subside?
Thanks in advance
I was on Lyrica for 3 or 4 years. I just finished tapering off of it. I couldn't handle the side effects. They just kept getting worse. I started breaking out with blister like sores all over my torso and arms. It made the chronic fatigue and brain fog 50X worse. Plus the weigh gain. I topped off at 315lbs on a 5'5" body. As soon as I started tapering off. The sores disappeared. And I've lost 40lbs. I feel like a different person. Don't get me wrong. The Fibro pains and all the symptoms that go with it came back. But deep down I'm glad I'm off them. Cause they took so much of my life away. In more ways then one.
Another Fibro Warrior
Hi all. Don’t want to be negative but feel I have to be honest regarding this drug!! I was prescribed lyrica for severe anxiety four years ago. Am now on my second attempt to come off it withdrawals are horrific. Was on 125 3 times daily I’m now down to 24 3times daily after 9 months of tapering. Cant get past this as the withdrawals are a nightmare. And there is very little medical support regarding withdrawal. I know everyone is different and some may never get withdrawal. But please just be aware as I would not wish this suffering on anyone. Take care. Helen.
Thank you so much for the warning, that was very good advice. I even signed up to the site just because of what you said and I really wanted to commend you for being open about what you have been going through. Hope you are doing OK now.
Hi everyone,
So I have Fibromyalgia (still waiting to see a specialist to have this confirmed as so far only my Doctor is treating me for this), I was prescribed Lyrica yesterday to help with the pain, I am to take 1 50mg tablet 3 times a day - my problem is that I am sat at work at my desk (I work in the advertising industry) and I feel stoned/ zoned out! is this feeling going to pass do you think or should I be looking at maybe working from home for a few days until I become used to it??
I've only been taking 50mg twice a day for two days, and the dizziness and slight respiration issues combined are enough to almost literally make me pass out. This is the second time I have re- challenged Lyrica for nerve pain ad I had to stop for side-effects. Grrr...
I’m only on my 3rd day of Lyrica. I take 150mg in morning and 150mg at night for nerve pain caused from cancer. I don’t think it’s helping with pain and I’m so dizzy and foggy... I hate this feeling. I can’t even get through one article in newspaper. It’s like my brain can’t focus. I’ve never had such a bad reaction to a drug. I think I’ll stick with it for 3 more days at which time I see my oncologist and palliative care doctor and will find something else that doesn’t cause such brain draining side effects.
I am also on Lyraca 75 mg 2x a day and I also feel very dizzy and lightheaded.
My husband started taking lyrics around 7 weeks ago after being diagnosed with shingles. He's on 1x75 morning and 2x75 at night. He complains all day of being foggy and tired, in bed most of day. Wondering if this is 'normal'
I know this post is a little old now but I also have these same symptoms.
I've been suffering from recurring Cervical Spondylosis now for the last 7 years (agonising sharp nerve pain in shoulder blade area which follows down my left arm an into the hand), it flared up again 4 months ago but now is the only time I've decided to seek medical help. MRI scan showed I have a bulge in the disc in my neck, C6/7. I started out on 150mg (75mg twice a day), along with all the other drugs, co codamol, diclofenac I'm left spaced out a lot of the times, especially in the mornings. I'm now up to 400mg a day and recently I've been feeling very dizzy and unsure of things, probably a side effect I can live with but it just doesn't touch the pain one bit. In 8 days time it gets increased to 600mg but I'm not sure even this is going to work.
My physio told me that this is the medication I need to be on for the type of pain I have, great, if only it actually made a difference to my pain levels I'd be happy as in my experience it's done nothing. I've also experienced lots of weight gain too, lethargy, suicidal thoughts (mostly due to how much pain I'm in) but this is supposed to be another side effect. Not even sure if it's worth continuing with this drug tbh :(
Hi dedejean,
I just found this site and decided to join myself. I see that you are having problems with the LYRICA. I must say, I have only been on it since last Tuesday and did have a couple times where I lost my balance a bit but that is it so far. The first couple days I did have headaches when I woke but that as stopped. I don't feel the lighted headed feeling or foggy feel many people seem to be having. I am on 50 mg tablets 3 times a day for nerve healing purposes and I have archnoiditist. The hope is this will heal the swollen nerves I have at L3-L5 from a recent surgery to remove stenonous. There is severe swelling in the spinal column and it is taking much longer to go down then I thought. Originaly I was supposed to go back to work in a week or two at the most. I have been out since Aug. 7th so I am not a happy camper.
The archnoiditist will never go away but if this medicine works for that I will be so excited as it keeps me walking the floor at night at least once every 6 weeks. There was a period of 3 nights in a row just 3 weeks ago. I had a total of 8 hours in 72 of sleep. I don't care to go through that again. Archnoiditist acts much like restless leg sydrome only it is at the base of the spine. But back to your problem, maybe your doctor should try the 50 mg-3 times a day in stead of 75mg twice a day. That might do the trick. Please let me know how you are doing because by now things could have change. One thing I did notice, many people say they are gaining weight. I seem to have lost my appetite and I really don't need to lose anymore then I have in the last 6 months. It is so funny how different medications effect people so differently. My sister is on it for fibrermialgia. I sure I didn't spell that right but she has that and she has gained too.
I can't even remember what day I started the Lyrica! But it's been about 8 days and I've been told to expect 10-12 day minimum for the "drunk" feeling to go away. I have no short term memory at the moment. I did, however, walk a 5 mile March of Dimes event yesterday (even though I kept running into people... ) and that would have never happened before due to pain... so I am hoping for continued relief and that the side effects will subside so I can get some relief.
This thread began a long time ago but the awful side effects of Lyrica will continue as long as it is prescribed. I have been on 100 MG taken once before bed for a couple of weeks and the dizziness, groggy feeling and blurry vision seem to be getting worse instead of better! I quit! I cannot continue to spend my life in bed. I would rather have pain and feel alert than have less pain but feel completely out of it and stuck in bed! No more Lyrica for me!! BTW, the dose prescribed for me was much higher than what I took. I knew I couldn't tolerate more! Good luck to you if you have been prescribed this awful drug!!
I've been on 100 mg of Lyrica for about 1 1/2 months. It helps me some -- and the "foggy" side effect is somewhat gone. I still feel a bit hazy but it's worth it to me. My biggest challenge with it has been working very hard to not gain weight. I walk and work out more - which also helps with my pain. The side effects of Lyrica are less than any side effects than I have had from narcotic pain killers. Good luck to you!
It took a couple of weeks for those same feelings to go away with me. I have been on 100 mg Lyrica 3 times a day now since April. I ended up losing my job during those first two weeks, however. My boss was not tolerant of the decision-making problems I was having. The payoff now is great. My whole body is more flexible and I don't have to take as much of the narcotics anymore. Hang in there, it will go away.
Thanks for the info. I just cannot deal with the day to day lethargic feeling and not having all my scruples. I'm scheduled for a nerve test, which includes some needles on the 8th of Sept. (I hate needles). I've also recently lost 40 lbs and I don't want to gain the weight back, as I have 30 more lbs to go, but weight loss has been on hold for the last 3 mo. until the source of my pain has been discovered, but the nerve pain is worse than being overweight, it's such a catch 22. I'm now just taking it at bedtime, and it seems to help until about 2pm, then I'm popping Tylenol and topical cream just to get through the day until the Neuro doc finds out where the source of my pain is coming from. I really appreciate your info. Thanks again.
I just started taking Lyrica last night and Within an hour I became dizzy and I already suffer with it already because I have TMJ. Then I woke up this morning I still felt extremely light headed, dizzy, foggy, tired, very nauseous and stomach upset. Is this a normal reaction when first taking Lyrica?? I also suffer from severe anxiety and depression and obviously I don’t sleep well and I’m in excruciating pain and have severe muscle weakness. As I just started taking this medication for my Fibromyalgia (.75mg 1 a night for right now because I have a very sensitive stomach and I’m extremely sensitive to medication. But I’m suffering so badly that I want to give it try. I’m so bad that my daughter has been living with a family member for almost a month now because I can’t take care of her so anything helpful will be appreciated. Thank you
I took my 1st 25mg dose of Lyrica last night and my pain levels have subsided dramatically, but about an hour ago - 4.30pm AEST- I suddenly developed vertigo and driving home was not fun. I've just taken some Stemetil, does anyone use it for the dizziness? I thought if I took it at night, the side effects would wear off. I also take dexamphetamine for hypersomnolism, so I dont want to be any sleepier than I already am. Has anyone else found that the side effects start later, in my case 16+ hours?
Related topics
lyrica, peripheral neuropathy, side effect
Further information
- Lyrica uses and safety info
- Lyrica prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Lyrica (detailed)
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