Why does Lyrica cause anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts in some people? I was first put on Neurontin, which sent me into this black hole of depression, then they put me on Lyrica and I still was severely depressed. Now I'm taking antidepressants together with the Lyrica and it seems to help. Does Lyrica deplete one of serotonin or is it something else playing a role here? Thank you.
Why does Lyrica cause anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts?
Question posted by Oldriska on 12 Sep 2012
Last updated on 28 December 2021 by Lyuba
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
20 Answers
Taking Both Preagablin, for about seven years, and now Diazepam, for 1 year and 7 months. Severely suicidal-the suicidal thoughts didn't really start until the last six months, but every morning I want to find a way of ending my life. My husband hides everything I can use or I'd be dead now.NEVER take either of these drugs. They've destroyed my mind and my life.
I was placed on Lyrica over 6 years ago. I took it for about 3 weeks and almost felt like I was on uppers or a little speed and then suddenly I didn't even want to get out of bed. It was like someone turned a switch off. I went for a follow up and I just couldn't stop crying and told the doctor I have been feeling like I don't even want to continue going on with life. (Which I was in a battle against cancer at the time) the office suddenly changed. The nurses and the doctor started asking me a dozen questions. Needless to say this is a common side effect. The same thing happened to friend of mine. Get off of it as soon as you feel this. I asked the doctor the same question. He said it's a common side effect and no genetic or make up of a certain individual just a side effect of the drug. I know I am very sensitive to medications. If there is a side effect I will experience it.
Hope this helps. I also have an autoimmune disorder. I always think that has something to do with it.
Hey i need help i just switched from 2700mg a day of gabapentin to 400mg a day of lyrica and in 2 days I feel suicidal. I'm thankfully oddly aware this is how I feel... so i reached out to the dr thinking i wasn't getting enough lyrica but by the afternoon im reading these posts and feel it has to be the lyrica itself. I want to know if its possibly to go back to the 2700mg a day since its only been a few days. I have a message into my dr of course...
It makes my anxiety go completely. I only take 25mg when i can feel it coming on then i stop taking them when I'm better. I also got bipolar.
Honestly the pain is not as bad as the pain you go through with Cymbalta, lyrica and gabapentin. These are dangerous drugs to take and coming off of them is a sheer nightmare that you don't seem to wake up from. I would be better off on illicit drugs than this crap
I've been on lyrica now for 11 months for my TN, i was taking 300 mg a day my facial pain is and has been really bad so my my doctor increased my lyrica to 400mg a day, i feel terrible i dont want to do anything i get panic attacks when i drive, last week i was ready to end my life im tired of taking pills and living with this horrible face pain. Lyrica and Tegretol have helped me a bit but, i still have face pain every day.
Im sick and tired !! Trigeminal neuralgia is a terrible condition.
God Bless you all
I take it for TN and fibromyalgia. I'm on 350mg per day. Because it's prescribed for anxiety I didn't think this could be causing my symptoms but now I've read your reply I really think it is. I feel anxious and agitated all the time. I feel massively over stimulated which has me in constant fight or flight mode. I'm overreacting to everything. I have no appetite, struggle with sleep, the list is endless. TN is a horrible condition but tbh right now I'd take the nerve pain over these terrible physical and emotional feelings. I keep thinking that I don't want to be here but that isn't true. I honestly can't take much more. Between my illnesses and the meds used to treat them I can barely function. Now I'm going to have to try to reduce the Pregabalin or come off it altogether. It never ends
I am now dealing with the depression, myself. I moved to Canada from the United States, and because the health care here is so lacking and limited, this is pretty much all any doctor will do for my fibromyalgia and back injury pain. Now, I have had REAL thoughts of suicide. I don't understand what the heck is going on. Deep down, I don't want this, but these things keep happening and popping up! What is in this medication that it makes people feel so utterly depressed!!! I have come up with options and plans, and then I burst into tears and then I yell at someone! This is not a good drug if this is the outcome of taking it! I would love to understand why it does this as well, please! I typed this from a phone, so please forgive any typos.
Been on and off these pills for years. You can't jyst come off them you have to cut down as to stop insomnia, sweating etc. Everytime im on them which I am now I get really angry and get into fights and do stupid things. But if it wasn't for this drug I would be dead. I got bipolar and anxiety and these pills are the only thing thats gets rid of anxiety. I have tried everything else. Was on 600mg last year but only take 25mg now for a couple of weeks while im anxious
I've been on Lyrica for just over a month now. Today I have felt awful. It is a beautiful sunny day and i just feel anxious about leaving the house. I feel low in mood and how done for awhile now. I kind of just thought it had to do with a busy work life etc. But lately I feel suicidal. Just random thoughts of wanting to give end and just thinking ending it is a good option. I have never felt this way before. I decided maybe Lyrica had something to do with it. After reading this maybe it does. But i'm on a very low dosage. Im currently on 50mg and will have to make my way up to 75mg soon. I'm curious to what peoples dosages are? Most of what i have seen people are on 300-600mg. Is there anyone on a low dosage like myself who feels this way?
Hi Emily
I'm geeeling this way also. Feels like I'm going slightly mad... Loe mood very anxious and lost confidence in myself which is a worry in itself as need to present confidently at work.
How are you doing now? Have you stopped taking them? I'm seeing my doctor today.
Just seen this is such an old post! Not sure if you're still on this forum
Same problem here. On lyrica 50 mg for one and a half weeks so far. Prescribed for restless legs syndrome (RLS), but have a history of depression. Every day has been terrible but today has been particularly awful. Very low self esteem, no energy, no interest in anything. Not sure I can tolerate the way its making me feel. You are not alone in how you feel, and apparently neither am I.
Wow, now why would a Dr who is a so called expert give someone like me who has suffered from depression for half of my life prescribe me with Lyrica if it is known to cause depression and knowing the side effects of trying to get off them is just as bad? Drs don't know sh*t! They feed people who are desperate with drugs to a body that they know nothing about. In the year 2016, they should be put in prison like any other drug dealer! 11 years dealing with back pain and 20 years dealing with depression and not once has a Dr or anyone who advertises that they can help has. Not saying that ALL Dr's etc are dodgy because I'm sure there's a lot of them that actually care about their patients and would go out of there way for them but my experiences with every Dr that I have seen has been a total waste of time.
I'm in Australia by the way and you would expect top notch treatment, I explain my pain and that it's getting worse and my Dr is too busy doing something else. Just because you went to school and read plenty of books that doesn't mean you know anything, until you have experienced depression or any other illness then you know nothing. The medical industry and drug companies are the biggest joke on the planet right now, probably more corrupt than the politicians. Kiss my ass!
I suffer with bipolar depression and was put on lyrica last month for my neck and arm. I have been recently suffering with very high anxiety even though I take Mirtazapine and clonazepam. I am not sure if it is because of lyrica but I was very stable with my disorders before taking lyrica. I am waiting for neck surgery and I would like to know if there is another nerve blocker that will not interrupt with my bipolar depression and anxiety. I just sit here and shake and cry over the past few days. I have been on the lyrica for a month now and am noticing some big changes. If anyone has a solution please advise. Thank u kindly.
Hi Steph, I know you wrote this a while ago so I'm wondering if you ever got to the bottom of your symptoms.
I'm currently taking Pregabalin 350mg per day and have been for nearly 2 years. I'm suspected as having bipolar 2 but not confirmed as mental health services in my area are a nightmare. Twice I've been prescribed ssri's that were making me suicidal within the first 2 weeks of taking them. Both times they failed to recognise the meds were the problem and doubled my dose instead, enough said! I've been having problems for a while now. I feel massively over stimulated which is causing severe anxiety, agitation, hyper-mania and constantly in fight or flight mode. I have no appetite, feel nauseous all the time and just feel generally unwell. I didnt sleep more than 3-4 hours a night for the first 6months on this dose.
It's complicated by the fact I'm also prescribed mirtazapine and Baclofen daily so it's hard to pinpoint what's causing my symptoms. I'm desperate to make it stop. Barely leave my flat anymore. As your situation and symptoms back then sound so similar to mine i was hoping you might be able to let me know if it was the Pregabalin (Lyrica)? I really hope you're in a better place now, Sara x
Hi Steph
I have just stumbled across this site and after reading your story feel I have to tell you mine which is similar. Like you I was given various antidepressants which I never got past the side effects and they just upped the dose till I felt like a mad woman. I was then prescribed Pregabalin starting at 50 mg at night and increased to 150 3 times a day.
I am now weaning off this awful drug and had I known it would be so hard to come off it I would never have started it.
I am down to 100mg 3 times a day now and still feel awful I just hope I can get back to my old self when it is out of my system.
The longer you are on it and the higher the dose takes longer to get off it
I wish you well in your recovery
Sorry I meant Sara
Please please join the a group on Facebook called lyrica survivors and have a read up. This is a dangerous drug!
I was taking 300mg of gabapentin last yr. I became depressed. My doctor took me off of it although he didn't completely believe it caused my depression. Then my neurologist put me on lyrica. The depression not only lingered it has gotten worse... to the point of suicidal thoughts. I do take other medicine for the depression but none seems to help. I really need to know if lyrica is what could be causing my depression so I can stop it. And how should I stop it?? I'd rather deal with the pain than severe depression.
Oh and I never experienced depression before in my life until I started taking gabapentin
A bit off topic, but in regards to depression medication, stay away from mirtrazapine based meds. Pure evil, a living death. Lexapro and low dose seroquel are quite good.
I am looking into why as well. I experienced being suicidal while taking lyrica. Two seperate occasions. I have always been a depressed person anyway. I blacked out a couple times. Now I have to live with self inflicted humility from overdoseing myself and cutting my wrist. I definitely believe that lyrica played a part. Im doing better now as I am no longer on it. I was only on it for two months. I don't recommend this medication .
The reason it can increase depression, or have depression as a side effect, might have to do with the fact that it blunts the release of monoamine neurotransmitters. Based on my own experience, it doesn't only boil down to dosage level but also the length of time that you take it. I notice the depression effect came on less quickly and less severely when I quit the med for a few months and went back on it at a lower dosage. However I'm noticing its depression effect is coming on yet again and in a more pronounced way after weeks of taking it. Symptoms include but aren't limited to : lack of interest in anything, lack of appetite, lack of motivation, lack of positive mood. I have depression problems to begin with so there must obviously be an interaction. Coming off of the drug I'm not sure that I notice any withdrawal. If anything those brain-blunting side effects just kind of drag on for a little while after quitting and it takes some time to go back to normal.
Could take a few days, weeks, or months depending on the dosage you were taking and for how long. Luckily there is no issue with dependency or withdrawal on my end.
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