... history of my problems. I have dealt with anxiety and depression most of my life, I've been to several psychiatrists and was also in the hospital twice in my teenage years. To begin with I was started on librium, then Valium, along with stelizine, Navane, and finally lorazepam. At first the lorazepam I was given was 2.5mg three times a day. That was way too much so it was cut back to 1mg three times a day. I took that dose from 1980 until now. Everything was under control and running smoothly until my PCP said she wants to wean me off of lorazepam and she is having a clinical pharmacist coming to set up some plan to taper me off. I have to see her this coming Friday the 27th. I am 77 years old, I have no quality of life so there is nothing stopping me from doing the final act. I don't want off of this medication and I don't want to go back to the dark ages when I was having so much anxiety and depression problems. Any advice will be gratefully accepted.
Thank You