How long if I am taking 200 mg per day of Ltheanine does it take for my mind t rest so I can sleep without my worries or anxieties of the next day? Or have me wake up with anxiety all day or depression? thank u
How long does it take for L-theanine to help with sleep or anxiety?
Question posted by sauce100 on 4 Sep 2014
Last updated on 14 May 2021 by daddiomccray
5 Answers
My experience: Within 45 minutes I feel a calm affect. If I am still feeling any anxiousness after 45 minutes I take one more 200mg capsule.
This is not the type that requires days or weeks to build up in your system to work. It is fast acting (I take in place of having to take Xanax or Ativan). It's my lifesaver!
I started taking 200mg of L-theanine about a month ago and have noted a
difference in how I approach stress. It took about a week before subtle changes began. I am now contemplating using 200mg for sleep. I am the type who cannot get to sleep nor can I stay asleep.
I am not comfortable continuing to use Melatonin as I note being hung over in the AM even on lower dose e.g. 2mg.
Well i have been suffering with diffrent symptoms of anxiety every day for about 3 weeks just came on all thr sudden very scary my step momma brought me a few of these yesterday i took one at 4 this morning before work and worked so well first try the symptoms were not as bad and im not scared and depressed iv actully laughed and enjoyed myself step momma uses these for brother autistic and sister that has other health conditions hope this helps like i said only been a day taking one for me i know exactly how you feel im going through it best of luck to us all
I have been taking 150 mg of L-Theanine daily for the last 2 weeks. I feel its working in a calming affect but not that much of a sleepy relaxed effect, which I don't want. Sometimes I feel numb or a tension headache in my eyes and head. Sometimes I take Percogesic for Backache and that helps with clarity and the headache as I get alot of tension headaches. I stop worrying and stop having strange thoughts from taking the L-Theanine and I think it gives me a clear thought pattern. I am going through Menopause and have the hot flashes, weird thoughts, worries, that make no sense. I am 56 years old. I recently had a bad experience about a month ago, an anxiety attack or panic attack thinking I could not see well. I found out my close vision range had changed and got dramatically worse, after that went to the eye doc. He told me the results. I got Bifocals.
I have not been wearing any glasses since Lasik surgery 8 years ago, but now I am wearing them and would like to get contacts again bifocal contacts or progressive... My Nearsightedness is still good because that is what my eye doctor told me, but my right eye might be susceptible to a cataract since it is somewhat cloudy. I wanted everyone to know I made it through several tough times a few years back, when my mom passed away, and I went through my second divorce. I used a I guess you could say a pill through the internet. It helps with Alcoholics, Attention Deficit, all kinds of mental problems. It helps make the chemicals/neurotransmitters in the brain normal... The company is Nero Genesis... Neu-Becalm'd... It really helped me get the chemicals and neurotransmitters in my brain back to normal. You know all the docs want you to take the SSRI's I took a few of them and they made my tension headaches worse. Anyway, I took the Neu-Becalm'd back in 2002... and it cured me for over 13 years. It helps with GABA, Serotonin. Dopamine, 5htp Tryptophan..etc... you really need to check it out. I am thinking I will go back to it if my symptoms get worse. For now the L -Theanine is helping me right now. Take care...
7-10 days, however, there are other contributing factors to how your mind is so busy at night, often times we can write things down to get them off our mind, change other habits during the day, walking eevn 30 minutes in the afternoon, finding a group you can share and vent with, lots of things to help, may even not need a med
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anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, l-theanine, sleep
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