I was on Effexor XL 150mg 2x a day for 33 years. I tapered myself off August of 2019. It was horrible. I still to this day I have side effects from the Effexor XL, brain zaps. Scary as hell. There are times I swear I can feel my blood flow through my veins. The erry feeling through my skin and body, are horrific, cringing of my spine, I get side tracked like a toddler - it's like my brain is a disorganized filing cabinet. It's frustrating on a daily basis, still today with withdrawal systems. When I was taking it, I had to take at same time every single day. Even when just 15 minutes of past time of due to take it, the withdrawal system's started. Dreams and thoughts were and still are a mystery and scares me.My thoughts when I'm in a store or where ever around people, are unexplainable and I have not and will not ever tell anyone what it is. It terrifies me, so no, I would never ever recommend this to anyone.