Hello, I am taking Topamax currently for severe chronic migraines. I have only been on this for 8 days and I am on 25mg in am and 25mg in pm. I am having many side effects and wondering if any who have taken for long term with good results can tell me if they had these side effects and that they resolved or got better??
I have taken this drug over the past 20 years off and on and at one point I took for a few years and it helped and I dos have some neurological side effects that increased with my dose increases and that's why I stopped it. Now, 7 years later I am back desperate for something to help and back on it with much more side effects that I never had or noticed before with it like ...
dry skin on my face, the horrible metallic taste (last time I had the issue with some things tasting weird but this is ALL the time) dry mouth and lips, I'm freezing a lot, lightheaded, my vision seems to be worse when reading, nausea (probably from not wanting to eat) tired (maybe from not eating), I feel like I've been snappy but, I've also just come off of being on Cymbalta for 5 years so that could be the cause of that.
My headaches haven't improved but, I think it's supposed to take a few weeks to help... can anyone tell me if their side effects went away or got better? Mainly the taste in mouth and vision?