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How long does it take for a man breast to go back to normal after stopping finasteride?


DrDonovan 12 Jan 2015

In general, breast enlargement in men (known as "gynecomastia") occurs as a side effect in a small proportion of users of finasteride (less than 1%)

It is important for anyone with gynecomastia to speak to their prescribing physician as soon as these changes are noted. A full medical evaluation is often required.

Not all men have complete resolution of the condition upon stopping the drug. In some men, breast tissue remains enlarged even when the drug is no longer used. In other men, the gynecomastia resolves (goes back to normal) in 4 months.

Gynecomastia is an important side effect for any man considering finasteride to be aware of.

Jeff Donovan MD PhD FRCPC FAAD
US & Canadian board-certified Dermatologist
Toronto, Canada

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