I am taking 25mg of metoprolol and 10 mg amlodipine.
How long does it take before metoprolol succinate ER will start lowering blood pressure?
Question posted by Nikilet on 15 April 2012
Last updated on 16 November 2013
Shouldn't take more than am hour, been on Propranolol for years and my b/p is perfect. Just relax and let it do it's thing.
Sweet Hippie
What I could find by googling was 7-15 days. However, if it's supposed to work within an hour, then it's not working.
Metoprolol is a beta blocker, its been around a lng time. I starts working pretty quickly on some of the symptoms u r having... at the longest it would take 5 days for you to get a steady level in your blood. I was a RN in ICU for 22 years and the beta blockers work fast, thats why they are used so frequently in the unit. Please don't believe everything you google, actually look on this site for actions, side effects, a description of what it does, This site is a great reference.
Wishing you the best in the future and NOW,
Calm down and peace out,
Sweet Hippie
Metoprolol is a beta blocker, its been around a lng time. I starts working pretty quickly on some of the symptoms u r having... at the longest it would take 5 days for you to get a steady level in your blood. I was a RN in ICU for 22 years and the beta blockers work fast, thats why they are used so frequently in the unit. Please don't believe everything you google, actually look on this site for actions, side effects, a description of what it does, This site is a great reference.
Wishing you the best in the future and NOW,
Calm down and peace out,
Sweet Hippie
I have COPD. I started out seeing a PA and he had me on Lisinopril and Amlodipine. After awhile I knew the Lisinopril was having a very bad effect on my breathing but the PA would not listen so I quit taking it and then I made an appointment with a doctor who had originally diagnosed my COPD. In your experience, did Metoprolol have adverse effects as far as breathing? From what I've read, it usually doesn't unless the dosage it high. After how that Lisinopril added to my breathing difficulties, I'm really afraid of anything that might do the same. I'm much better than I was when I was on Lisinopril, but I'm far from being back to what I was. The doctor told me that Lisinopril is a long acting med and would be in my system for quite awhile. I've been off it for 10 days now. But as I said, this is my 4th day on Metoprolol and my BP is far from managed. Most readings are in the 140's, with a few in the 150's, 160's and even a couple of 170's.
Lisinopril is an ACE Inhibitor, that is angiotensin converting enzyme, that raises your b/p. If you inhibit the action of ACE,theoretically, your blood pressure is lowered. A beta-blocker decreases your heart rate and b/p. So, and I don't know why either med would make breathing harder, anything is possible. I am not sure what amlodipine does to your heart exactly, but best guess it strengthens contractility. Lemme investigate further and I'll try yo figure it out.
I very much appreciate your help. As to the Amlodipine, after I went off the Lisinopril and before I started the Metoprolol, I was taking just the 10 mg Amlodipine and my blood pressure was the best it's been, and I felt better.
That makes me wonder why ur meds were changed.
I went off the Lisinopril on my own and switched to my previous doctor because Lisinopril was causing severe breathing problems and the PA who put me on it would not listen to and believe me, would not take me off it or even consider trying something else. I live in a rural area. We have a small clinic and a PA from a town 100 miles away comes twice a week. My original doctor is usually here one afternoon a week. The PA happened to be there when I initially went in for what would have ended up as pneumonia back in January. I was put on antibiotics and that cleared up pretty fast, but when my BP was taken and was through the roof (like it always is when I go to the doctor) the PA insisted I must be put on BP meds. I do think he was right in that, but what he put me on was not working for me. When I went back to my original doctor he put me on the Metoprolol. That was just last Thursday.
He warned me to be sure and call if I had any breathing problems because beta blockers are known to cause breathing problems in people who have COPD. In the past couple of months I have had liver and kidney function tests, blood sugar, cholesterol, thyroid, an ekg and much to my surprise, there were no problems with any of them.
Another important question is how old r u and do u have chronic bronchitis or emphysema. For breathing probs, there are nebulizers.
Ask next time u c him.
I'm a little puzzled here. I already told you that I have COPD. I also told you that the doctor I switched to is the one who diagnosed this. So, yes, I do have chronic bronchitis and a touch of emphyzema. I am 64 years old. I use albuterol by nebulizer and Spiriva.
Well Niki, we're both confused. I know I said COPD, but that could b one of the other or both. The reasons o asked your age is because when we get older, our bodies react to meds differently than when younger us'es ran around. Was just for me to ponder a bit.
Guess you decided to quit me. As an update, last Friday I cut my Metoprolol back to 12.5mg (by cutting the pill). It was increasing my blood pressure. Last Thursday it shot up high enough that I was concerned about a stroke. It was the systolic numbers that increased way out of whack. The diastolic remained mostly good and pulse was good. Metorpolol is also having some adverse effects on my breathing problems. I called my doctor but he was out of town so I have just continued to take the 12.5mg Metopropol and 10mg Amlodipine. Since Friday my blood pressure has been lower. Rather than run right to the doctor on Monday, I am going to continue for just a bit longer with this decreased dose of Metoprolol and see if BP readings remain lower.
No one gave up on you. You quit posting. I am assuming since your last post, that you are comfortable with your blood pressures. If so, I am happy for you.
But if it were my blood pressure doing the wild swings in systolic or diastolic pressures, I'd be in the ER. Everyone has their comfort level, yours has not been exceeded yet.
If u want to share information, post it, we'll get back to you.
Hello to everyone. I'm 46 and from Perth, Australia.
2 yrs ago I had a Cardiac Arrest. I had experienced good health prior so it came as a shock. I had a stent inserted. My medication was Metoprolol 50mg(x2 daily)-Ramipril 5mg-Aspirin 100mg-Lipitor 40mg and Prasugrel 5mg(this one only for a year). Recently I saw another doctor at the same surgery as my normal one was on holidays. He said Metoprolol is usually given following a heart attack and not long term. I stepped down the dosage and am now off it. He said if my bloop pressure went up then he would increase the Rampiril to 10mg, which I wouldn't be keen on as the Rampiril appears to give me heart burn. I stopped taking Pantoprazole as I'm not keen on being on it long term. I want to see if the heart burn can manage itself and if it's more lifestyle/diet caused.
Sorry to be long winded. Does the advice with Metoprolol sound 'right.? I haven't checked my BP, I know it's lazy of me, but I've never had BP problems and I believe Metoprolol was prescribed more as a precautionary measure. Ramipril widens arteries, Asprin thins blood and Lipitor lowers cholesterol and acts on plaque, so was the Metoprolol advice correct? I also read Metoprolol is usually a post Cardiac Arrest drug keep up the survival rate. It implied its short term medication. I'm a bit wary of the doctor's advice and I'm thinking it's proberbly best to find a cardiologist to manage that aspect of my health.
In a way I'm glad to be off the Metoprolol as I wanted to see if blurred vision at a distance is drug related or Astigmatism as a recent eye check alleges. It seemed to come on a bit sudden. I'm not diabetic. Just trying to do a process of elimination without compromising my heart condition.
Anyone else have similar issues? And has anyone been on Pantoprazole long term, say 5/10 years or more? And what do you think of Rampiril?
I don't ask much! Thanks for your help.
Metoprolol is a beta adrenergic blocker, meaning it blocks the beta aspects of adrenaline and not the alpha. Beta-blockers lower your blood pressure and slow your heart rate. Also used as a migraine prophylaxis.
What drugs you put in your body are for you to decide after receiving the pros and cons from the physician prescribing the med. He should tell you his reasons for advising this med, what the outcome of it's use is supposed to be and any other pertinent information you need in making the determination of whether or not to use the med.
Heart attacks surprise people that are in otherwise perfect health, sometimes without any warning.
Peace and more later,
I asked a question and no one seems to answer it. I want to know how long does it take for metoprolol er succinate to work in system. I started taking it least then 24 hours ago. I chkd my pressure and it was 132 over 92. Last nite before I took the med it was 133/42... This is stessing me out and my 1st time on this kind of med.
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amlodipine, blood pressure, metoprolol succinate er
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