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How long, on average, does the ativan tablet take to work?


jcolson 24 Oct 2015

About 15 to 30 minutes on the norm and in about 45 minutes you should feel the full effects that should last for about 6 to 8 hours, just depends on your metabolism. For me I get about 6 to 7 hours of relief and when I start to get adjtated I will take another tab. Most times for me one is enough.

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Colbel41 25 Oct 2015

Jcolson, thanks for your input. I was using klonopin 1mg rid prn. I was hoping ativan would work faster as klonopin takes about 1/2hr. Glad to find out ativan works quicker. I don't want maintenance, just as needed.

chuck1957 23 Oct 2015

I would say about 15 minutes or so and you normally well start feeling some relief when your using it as needed, But if your on it regular they try and give it so the doses overlap so you don't have to worry about how long it takes.Hope that well help Have an nice evening. Chuck1957.

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Colbel41 25 Oct 2015

Chuck1957, thanks for your input. Did well with klonopin but I don't want to do maintenance. Ativan works faster for when needed, that's what I'm looking for. Thanks again.

chuck1957 25 Oct 2015

Yes the Ativan should work better as a as needed medication,So you can take it when you need it hope that works out for you but check back with the doctor if you have to put up with to much break through anxiety. free discount card

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ativan, anxiety, tablet

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