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How long has anyone taken amiodarone without much sideaffects?

4 Answers

rubyrearview 25 Sep 2019

I have taken it for 11 months, no side effects other than low heart rate which is rooms concerning AFib are good sources of info and slow heart rate is the most common topic.

Votes: +1
Shamal 2 Sep 2013

I had been on it for over 4 years with no more heart shocks. Worked great but the high iodine content put me in a severe hyperthyroid state. They pulled me off it. I told them I didn't think that was a good idea. I went 8 blissful months without it ... then BOOM, 6 big shocks out of the blue and severe v-tach. My thyroid had returned to normal on it's own, but now I must be on amiodarone again. They are hoping the thyroid issues can be resolved with drugs or my thyroid will be removed and
I'll go on Synthroid. My sister got pulmonary fibrosis from amiodarone- so
I prefer the thyroid problems!

Votes: +1
mwwchi 4 Dec 2012

Hello, I started out on 200mg of Amiodarone 14 months ago. I had been on Sotalol for VTAC and was being shocked way too often. They did a partial ablassion right before the Amiodarone but I got shocked 2 days later. Since the Amiodarone, I haven't been shocked at all. At 12 months (2 months ago), they dropped me to 100mg of Amiodarone to see what happens. So far, so good. I didn't really have much in the way of side effects, except I was a little foggy and had trouble sleeping at night. Since the change to 100mg I'm sleeping nearly all night, which helps the fog and makes me feel much better during the day. Hope this helps

Votes: +1
Inactive 4 Dec 2012

Hello anup57,

Welcome to the site.

I do not take Amiodarone, so I am not of much help to you. However I have provided you with two links. The first one with reviews and comments of users of this medication and second one, the list of possible side effects.

Please click on the link:

All the best,

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