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How long does does ciprofloxacin stay in your system?


Marvell 27 May 2013

It may be a bit difficult to exactly say how long ciprofloxacin will stay in the system.

The serum elimination half-life in subjects with normal renal function is approximately 4 hours. Approximately 40 to 50% of an orally administered dose is excreted in the urine as unchanged drug. After a 250 mg oral dose, urine concentrations of Ciprofloxacin usually exceed 200 mcg/mL during the first two hours and are approximately 30 mcg/mL at 8 to 12 hours after dosing. The urinary excretion of Ciprofloxacin is virtually complete within 24 hours after dosing. The renal clearance of Ciprofloxacin, which is approximately 300 mL/minute, exceeds the normal glomerular filtration rate of 120 mL/minute. Thus, active tubular secretion would seem to play a significant role in its elimination. Co-administration of probenecid with Ciprofloxacin results in about a 50% reduction in the Ciprofloxacin renal clearance and a 50% increase in its concentration in the systemic circulation.

Although bile concentrations of Ciprofloxacin are several fold higher than serum concentrations after oral dosing, only a small amount of the dose administered is recovered from the bile as unchanged drug. An additional 1 to 2% of the dose is recovered from the bile in the form of metabolites. Approximately 20 to 35% of an oral dose is recovered from the feces within 5 days after dosing. This may arise from either biliary clearance or transintestinal elimination.

If we work out using the elimination half-life of 4 hours would mean that after the last dose the ciprofloxacin will be cleared from ones system in approximately 22 hours. But the data also says that ciprofloxacin may be found in the feces within 5 days after dosing. So it's a bit difficult to say. All the best.

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