I did a fairly slow taper of my Lexapro from 10Mg to 0 in about 2 months. after being off for 2 weeks I had horrible withdrawal symptoms; High morning anxiety that would increase through out the day to the point I needed Ativan to function. when the Ativan wore off the anxiety would creep back up. It was so bad that I was puking all the time and lost 20lbs. I decided to go back on and would have to do a much longer slower taper. But after being back on for about 2 weeks, there were still the withdrawal symptoms so my doctor upped my dose to 20mg, it has been about 3 weeks since then and I am still as bad as I was. My life was great before this. I am not normally a depressed person, I got on because of a bad breakup that had me not eating and puking all the time. I've been on it for about 2 years. why isn't it working anymore. It has been suggested to me to go on Prozac instead. Can I do that? I was told it is easier to wean off of. right now I just want my mind and body back.