I have been given 5mg diazepam to help with my SAD while Lexapro starts to work. I'm week 7 on 20mg of Lexapro and I'm still having anxiety, restlessness and agitation in the morning. It seems to ease off late Afternoon. Some days I take 2.5mg and some days I need to take the 5mg. Diazepam is the only thing getting me through this while I wait for Lexapro to work better. Am I doing the right thing? Will diazepam affect my Lexapro working?
Sorry if this is a silly question.I am new to all of this.
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3 Answers
5 Nov 2022
Yes you can take both meds at the same time. Lexapro is an SSRI which can take several weeks or even months to exert its full effect on the body. Valium is a very effective short term med. However Valium can become problematic if you continue to take it every day for a long time. I have been taking Valium for over 25 years now and here is what was suggested to me (which I follow). The doctor told me that while I was taking Valium, take it for 2 or 3 weeks; then I need to take a short break from taking Valium, usually 2 or 3 days of not taking any Valium. Then if need be, I resume taking Valium (I take Valium as a muscle relaxer). Anyway if you continue taking Valium day after day, eventually you will develop a physiological dependence on this med. In general, taking Valium continuously (day after day after day) for long periods of time without a short break (i.e. 2 or 3 days short abstinence from taking this med) will result in a physiological or physical dependence.
So that when you get to the point where you want to stop taking Valium, you will have to go through withdrawals because the Valium is no longer in your system. Therefore just take a little 'No Valium Holiday' every so often so you do not have to deal with any problems once you quit taking it.
Votes: +1
5 Nov 2022
Thank you for the advise I will definitely be cautious of this. Dr also suggested seroquel to take at night and hopefully that would help with my extreme morning anxiety. I'm thinking this may be a better option than diazepam. Any experience with this?
5 Nov 2022
No. I've never had reason to take an SSRI med. I take diazepam as a muscle relaxer.
5 Nov 2022
The correct answer is to do whatever your doc tells you to do. If your doc says it is OK, then it is OK. If you foolishly deviate from your doctor's orders, be sure to explain exactly what you did the next time you see him/her.
20 mg is a heavy dose of Lexapro and you have been taking it long enough to see benefits. Diazepam (Valium) should be helping with your anxiety. If it isn't, your doc may want to adjust your dosage or move you to another med. I've had great success with clonazepam and trazodone.
Votes: +1
5 Nov 2022
The diazepam is definitely helping with the morning anxiety and I'm seeing improvement since taking Lexapro. For me it just the morning waking up restless, irritable etc... Seroquel has also been suggested as another option to help with the mornings.
5 Nov 2022
I'm taking up 5 mg once daily at the moment to help with the mornings.
5 Nov 2022
I do feel lexapro is working just not completely just yet. I have seen improvements since I started. It mainly the morning anxiety that is still causing me to struggle.
5 Nov 2022
Mama, No question is silly if you need to find an answer. Benzodiazepines like diazepam (Valium) are often prescribed to offset the initial side effects of antidepressants. It's a common practice and safe under a doctor's supervision. You're doing the right thing. Have you told your doctor you're still having side effects?
Votes: +0
5 Nov 2022
Thank you for replying
5 Nov 2022
I see her on Friday (8 week mark on 20mg) I will let her know ow if there has been no change. I know it's working but the morning restlessness and anxiety can be unbearable.
5 Nov 2022
I see her on Friday (8 week mark on 20mg) I will let her know ow if there has been no change. I know it's working but the morning restlessness and anxiety can be unbearable.
5 Nov 2022
Good luck with the doctor. Keep us updated, okay?
5 Nov 2022
Thank you
5 Nov 2022
Will do
6 Nov 2022
Did you find that once the lexapro started helping with the anxiety your depression increased?
7 Nov 2022
My Dr is suggesting I increase my dose...
7 Nov 2022
My Dr is suggesting I increase my dose...
8 Nov 2022
It's a high dose that would be prescribed off label but it's pretty common. By now you really should be feeling significant improvement so an increase may be in order. Good luck with it! I hope it does the trick for you.