I was diagnosed of hyperthyroidism year 2009, I've had the thyroid iodine treatment right after and had 50mcg levothyroxine and 10mcg liothyroxine medicines since then. Weight gain was not an issue until last year, I am 5 feet tall and a 110 pounds but now, my weight gain is going up like crazy. I am close to 140 pounds as of today. I exercise almost everyday, run/walk at least 5 miles, watch my diet and still nothing happens. I visited my endocrinologist just this morning and she said, my thyroid medicines were not the culprits, (it makes me sad), I don't have any pills aside from this. She even told me to slow down my exercise and go exercise every the other day to rest my body. I don't know what to do.

I want to stopped taking my thyroid medicines so bad but i worries me the side effects after taking it for years? Is their any alternative medicine aside from this kind of pills?