I was put on levothyroxine on a whim by my psychiatrist because my tsh was .10 higher then normal range
Since taking this medication I have been so fatigued I had to nap to function my panic disorder and agoraphobia got way worse. I gained a ton of weight and I was only on 50mcg well I started eating clean and exercising and I lost weight about a month ago we'll five days ago I started having bad diarrhea then two days ago it was like a switcj in my brain I woke up with such panic and horror I couldn't calm down I spent the whole day freaking out thinking I was ligitly losing my mind... Well yesterday I skipped my dose and today I only took half I felt great all day but now at night I'm not feeling so good again... Major anxiety... Does this sound like its the thyroid med?? How do you safely come off?? This is agony

I don't have insurance right now