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Lantus Solostar - I take 16 units a day of lantus... how many pens do I need to last me 3 months?


Valvista 13 July 2013

If each pen holds 80 units and you take 16 units a day, thats 5 days of injections from one pen, 5 days devided by 90 days is 18 pens you would need for 3 months @ 16 units a day.

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Valvista 13 July 2013

if each pen holds a total 300 units 1500 units per box of 5 pens, at 16 units a day for 90 days you will need 4.8 pens or 5 pens per 90 days. free discount card

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lantus, lantus solostar

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