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Is the lactose in cows milk the same as the lactose in naproxen tablets ? Thanks?


lynnekh 23 May 2021

Yes it is and it can affect you if you are lactose intolerant. When I had meningitis they had to fine lacto free drugs as my body was fighting enough without having to deal with intolerances.
At present I’m taking naproxen for knee replacement which I have found lactose in them. This is causing me to produce mucous in my nose and throat mostly and the longer I take the worse it gets. It’s not life threatening for me and it’s best to try and find lactose free if you can. Hope this helps

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Stephen Treloar 17 Sep 2016

Hi Donna, yes it is, it is just another sugar and a useful binding agent. Finding Lactose free medication may be quite a challenge but it is not really present in sufficient quantities to affect lactose intolerant people I would have thought.

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naproxen, lactose, tablet

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