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Is there anything you can do to offset the bloating/weight gain of the prednisone treatment?

7 Answers

Baby345 15 Feb 2019

Yes if u mix medicine with it that doesn't go together it might cause a reaction

Votes: +0
paulaprezzy4321 8 Nov 2017

I am on dex now for the last 3 weeks to try shrink a brain tumor that returnd 30 years affter sergery so be going have it removed in the next 4 week soon i get over pnewmonia... the bloteing so bad but i baught a thing from the farmacy you put into the microwave warm up helps take it down with in the hour..also when i take them i drink a mix of apple cider vinegar 1 full fresh leon squesed into pint of boiling water with hunny takes it right down... and also i drink lots green tea all day long with did get so bad first one in morning diddent realy blote but ghe next lot takes bout 10 mins for me to go from a 8 stone to 12 stone and carnt move even when went to bed no sleep as did not shift..but no i not to bad atall hope this helps ppl as its can vet so bad and also makes you so depresed good luck

Votes: +0
Inactive 10 June 2018

What kind of thing from pharmacy you heat up? A heating pad?

Eve54 30 July 2011

if your on that for a short term then usually within 3months you should be able to b back at ur old self again..prednisone causes weight gain, bloating and constipation, moon face as stated b4 but its a wonder drug for makes you hungry all the time... try to keep ur mind off food and do some simple exercises if possible. Eve54

Votes: +0
Inactive 30 July 2011

This is not always the case, each person is diffrent and reacts diffrent to each med. Those may be the common side effects, but not everyone has them. My husband didn't and neither has his brother. Von

Marshmallow 13 Oct 2016

I'm not ever hungry on lifetime low dose. Never was. Food I look at as poison since had to be on such strict and now clean diet to protect my daughters gift to me ... its 25... I only eat local no GMO and no antibiotic steroids etc stuff. No processed salt sugars are carbs at all. Since April 2 2015. I've gained 80 lbs. so people are different. It's not what you eat. It's what you eat to keep bloating , which isn't a full feeling it's tight and swollen. I've gone gluten free. Helps a lot. We're obviously all different. Mine is probably the daily low dose. To,or row hoping they will consider with all other problems it's causing. Pre diabetic hi cholesterol all drug induced like bone density and eye problems horribly to quit taking it. There seems to be the same graft life either way. I may be different sine I'm lifer... or maybe not. Ha!

Marshmallow 13 Oct 2016

I'm not ever hungry on lifetime low dose. Never was. Food I look at as poison since had to be on such strict and now clean diet to protect my daughters gift to me ... its 25... I only eat local no GMO and no antibiotic steroids etc stuff. No processed salt sugars are carbs at all. Since April 2 2015. I've gained 80 lbs. so people are different. It's not what you eat. It's what you eat to keep bloating , which isn't a full feeling it's tight and swollen. I've gone gluten free. Helps a lot. We're obviously all different. Mine is probably the daily low dose. To,or row hoping they will consider with all other problems it's causing. Pre diabetic hi cholesterol all drug induced like bone density and eye problems horribly to quit taking it. There seems to be the same graft life either way. I may be different sine I'm lifer... or maybe not. Ha!

nikkils82 13 May 2017

Thank you for your help as I'm new to taking prednisone. I've recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in my hands and wrists, I'm a small build but constantly feel bloated it's so uncomfortable an upsetting. I was 8 an a half stone but I've been on these steroids for just over a month now an I've gone up to 9.4, the doctor started me off on 3 5mg tables a day for one week then 2 a day for a week then 1 one day 2 the next for a week now I'm on just one a day, I've also been put on methotrexate 3 tablets once a week an folic acid twice a week. I don't eat alot and I always make homemade smoothies as I don't eat alot of fruit, as soon as I eat something that's it I'm so bloted an uncomfortable it's frustrating

Cja09 14 June 2017

I was on prednisone a few weeks ago for cold/ bronchitis flareup. I took a nebulizer, steroid shot and steroid pill. During taking the medicine (pills) i was always hungry, and had full bowel movements. Once the pills started tapering off i had a case of bloating/ acid reflux type of thing going on, my stomach felt like it had air in it and always got worse when i got hungry and after i ate. Im scheduled for a dr. Appointment. But i feel somewhat back to normal, just want to see what he says.

nikkils82 14 June 2017

I'm constantly feeling bloated an uncomfortable it's horrible, I'm only on 5mg every day due to having rumathoide arthritis, my face has swollen up an I just feel so low about how I look as I've always been small ( as I'm a small build anyway) I'm thinking of just taking myself off them that's how uncomfortable an irritated I feel coz I'm so bloated

Inactive 27 Sep 2017

Cheers for your advices guys. I was on it for a week owing to viral chest infection and asthma exacerbation - 30mg per day, my first ever course. I'm vege and prepare all meals from scratch (foody hang-ups... ), get lots of exercise (love martial arts- much respect to the contributor who practices chi gong!), never had a huge appetite or sweet tooth but waaa!!! Not sure if its all in the mind but first couple of days i felt like i'd had a few glasses wine (virus or pred?) but by day 4 -again, not sure if all in the mind- I wanted to eat EVERYTHING!!! Put a beast burger in front of me i'd probably eat it, along with your hand plus any crisps or confectionary in a mile radius. Speaks volumes for a 20yr vegetarian with food issues. Put on 1/2 stone and swollen from size 12 to 16 (hoping its just bloating!) but on the plus side i can BREATH and my sunken eyes and crows feet are no more - whilst i may look 6 months pregnant i look 10 years younger. Glass half full.


Been off them for 3 days, appetite subsided but bloating persists- i take mebeverive for IBS anyway but it is not touching this bloating unfortunately. I note folk say bloating may persist for a few months but surely not from only a week long course? Please!?

Inactive 30 July 2011

I know this is going to be hard to believe. My husband was on prednisone for years!! yes years, never had the bloating or wt gain!! I'm a nurse so I was shocked,he has just came off of it less than a year ago and was not weened off, just pulled him off of it, no problems. I just always thought it strange he never blew up. Because we all can usally tell when someone is on prednisone.

Votes: +1
HPoole 30 July 2011

you may want to even try a diuretic (water pill). i suggest buying it from a health food store so it's not as harsh as your normal drugstore brands like diurex or aquaban.

Votes: +3
Marshmallow 12 Oct 2016

Is it water retention. ??? The prednisone?

Inactive 28 July 2011

I'm sorry to say there isn't. I was on prednisone for 2 years until asacol came out on the market. Please ask about Asacol if its for irritable bowel syndrome or colitis. The steroid prednisone theres no way to get around the puffyness and weight gain. I'm so sorry. Please don't thumbs down me cause your speaking to someone who is actually trying to help. Oh now there is Asacol HD... long release tablets. You won't have to take the steroid anymore. Write back if this is what your taking it for please.

Votes: +2
rsavarese1 28 July 2011

No thumbs down at all I appreciate any input. I take for skin disorder and feel bad to even complain based on the responses of yourself and previous. You guys have serious issues, I deal with it on a more positive level now.

BetsyBee 27 July 2011

This is one of the toughest problems for many of us on Prednisone. It is a REAL challenge, along with "moon face" (facial swelling). Recognize that it WILL happen, and try to be gentle with your self criticism. In the meanwhile, remember that drinking water actually reduces swelling, and cleanses your system. I am not sure why you are on a Prednisone regimen (I have severe lung issues, and I am limited in exercising), but I have started practicing Spring Forest Qi Gong (a 5,000-year-old Chinese healing practice), and it has helped with appetite, digestion, and breathing. I can also do it sitting down. Prednisone can also be constipating for some, so check on that. (laxative or increased fiber--I make good cole slaw). A friend says Miso soup helps with salt cravings. Best wishes---

Votes: +3
rsavarese1 28 July 2011

Thanks for your response, I appreciate it. I will take your advice. Take care free discount card

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