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Is it safe to split a cialis pill? does it diminish effectivness?


Rajive Goel 9 June 2010

It does not say that it cannot be split, but it is recommended not to split the med, it might diminish the effect, however this question could be better answered by the doc who prescribed the med, hope this helps?

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J'swife 31 Aug 2010

Yes ...
My husband's doctor a urologist says yes pills can be split to save money
its a little tricky I tried splitting them down the middle they split unevenly
lay them sideways and split them in 4ths if your insurance allows 6 per month like ours does and you take 5 mg daily 6 pills cut in 4ths = 24 days our copay is $60 for 6 extra pills are $20 each verses $335 for 30 pills w/insurance copay I price checked w/o insurance 30 days 5 mg is about $150 might be cheaper just have to check. And always ask for samples
with each doctors visit, that saves us the cost several refills per year. We are thinking of upping the dosage to 10 or 20 mg most report using 10 or 20 mg with being able to get an erection on demand for 3-4 days after taking the pills. free discount card

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