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Intestinal Obstruction - Anyone with bowel blockages, drink Coke,it works after reading research on?
Question posted by DAshley02 on 6 Aug 2016
Last updated on 3 November 2024 (10 weeks ago) by mochichowberger
11 Answers
Hi. I see a lot of unusual and unhealthy responses and short term fixes to questions about SBO on this site. So I wanted to share the diet that my dietician put together for me. Maybe it will be useful to anyone reading this as it has been for me, after my 1st blockage.
The goal here is to eat healthy and let your body produce and operate in an optimal way while maintaining moisture and flow with digestion. An example one day diet.
- green tea
- Usual smoothie blended with extra water so it is more liquidy than usual. I still want you to be consuming pineapple and papaya for the digestive enzymes.
- Bitters (so your bile secretes bile). Also consume leafy greens- arugula and fresh dandelion greens promote bile production. The bitterness stimulates digestive juices and bile flow. Add a little bit to your smoothie (yes, even though they contain insoluble fiber, they will be blended and particles will be small, so hopefully won't catch).
- Soymilk, flax seed mixture (add some pure vanilla extract and maple syrup if you want a sweet snack).
small lunch 1
- mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes with garlic, turmeric, and lots of butter, unsweetened soymilk (so it's thinner/more liquidy), and drench in olive oil upon serving.
- bitters
- tea
- meat or baked tofu with a lot of oil.
small lunch 2
- blended lentil-vegetable soup, add miso.
- kidney bean dip
- silken tofu/avocado/cacao pudding
- kombucha
- your regular pressure cooker meal with a side of fish, but more liquid and more oil. Also, eat less in one sitting. Try to eat a little bit, walk away, and then eat the rest after about 30 mins.
- bitters
- probiotic capsule
- tea
There are many causes of bowel obstruction, and levels of severity, from a mild to an emergency episode. Prior abdominal surgery and overgrowth of scar tissue are the prime suspects in many, if not most actual bowel obstruction. Constipation can be very uncomfortable, but doesn't compare in severity to the pain levels of an obstruction. You will feel like you've got an overinflated beachball in your gut. Once pain level are unbearable, no doubt you need to get to ER. Witholding all intake is the best way to control the escalating pain. If you are able to eat or drink without vomiting, it's probably not an obstruction.
You guys ever consider researching how to simply not cause the blockage & how to truly get rid of all the blockage???
I just started the Cherry Coke today because I hate sodas and if I had to drink Coke at least it'd taste good. After a month of pregnant belly and pain etc... 2, 16 oz. bottles gave me relief in 20 mins. Pain is 90% gone, full feeling gone and I am burping up a storm. I will continue until I can get in to see a GI specialist just to rule out anything more serious.
I had success with coke , I
believe. In 2015 I had my bladder removed for cancer. They made a "neobladder" and a urethra from my large and small bowels. About 2018 I had sbo. The doctors had let me lie there waiting for the sbo to clear,which it did in about 4weeks. Soon after, it occurred again, and I found the coke remedy on my smartphone while waiting in the hosp, bed. (Its from a Greek study,actually a compilation of studies from around the world.) I sneaked a few bottle into my room; I wasnt allowed liquids. I sipped coke a few days but it didnt clear so I had agreed to surgery. In the morning, they said that because of an emergency, my surgery had been postponed til tomorrow. The next a.m., I awoke to an emptied belly, better. Coincidence? Maybe.
However, this summer I had another episode of sbo.I think I got too careless and ate too much coleslaw and salads. Plus too cocky re. Cocacola cure, and let them cut me up finally. My conclusions: pay close attention to diet, and drink coke with hard -to -digest meals, and exercise. If you feel blockage, fast and try coke. I believe only ourselves provide "health care"- doctors are there for when we fail.
I am going to remember your Coke research. Thanks for sharing. I never would have thought a carbonated beverage would have such an impact, but it makes sense. I love Coca-Cola. Wonder if Cherry Coke would work the same as the regular. Anyway, thanks for your contribution to this group.
The problem with the coke "study" is that it looked at treatment for a phytobezoars. Majority of SBO's are due to adhesions/strictures, not phytobezoars. Pouring coke down a hose that's kinked isn't going to unkink the hose. A clogged drain maybe, but not a kinked hose. That's what most SBOs are.
Hi Club,
I love your analogy! Lol...
We used to treat the blocked feeding tubes with Coke back in the day. It "ate" away at the tube feeding "food". It was usually caused by not enough water flushes to clear the tube from the feeding. The next feeding was therefore blocked.
Coke did have a high success rate.
you will have so much pain in your belly ,nausea that you drive yourself to er. not supposed to eat or drink anything. I had 6 from scar tissue from surgery of appendix removal. don't eat fast and no spicy foods
Viper, I just so your response.Sorry.
How are you feeling?
What happened ?
I totally believe you. I had 2-1/2 hours to remove adhesions after they perforated my colon.
I read something on Pinterest...
If you have a clogged drain, and don't want to use chemicals, use Diet Coke !
I guess it's the same principle... Right ?
Hi,Researchers reviewed 10 years' worth of detailed cases on 46 patients with a condition called gastric phytobezoar — a stomach blockage — who were treated with so-called Coca-Cola dissolution therapy.
Phytobezoars, the most common type of stomach blockage, are composed of indigestible food fibers from fruits and vegetables including celery, pumpkin, prunes, raisins, leeks, beets, persimmons, and sunflower seed shells. Unless they are successfully removed or unblocked, they can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, gastric obstruction, perforation, abdominal pain, and bleeding.
These blockages occur most often in people with risk factors that include decreased stomach size or reduced stomach acid production, having had gastric surgery that resulted in delayed stomach emptying, or having diabetes or late-stage kidney disease.
Researchers at the medical school of Athens University found that of the 46 patients who were given Coca-Cola to treat the blockage, the treatment cleared the blockage in half, 19 patients needed additional non-invasive treatment, and four needed full surgery.
Coca-Cola was administered in a few different ways:
Some patients drank the beverage in daily amounts from 500 milliliters to 3,000 milliliters for up to six weeks.
Some had gastric lavage, or therapeutic irrigation of the digestive tract, which was done using 3,000 milliliters of Coca-Cola over a 24-hour time period.
Eight patients had combinations of Coca-Cola treatment — drinking, injection, and irrigation.
The researchers found Coca-Cola was successful as a treatment for phytobezoar resolution in 91.3 percent of the cases, according to a study published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
Ok... It didn't appear. I will send again.
The above was from "Every Day Health".
What is causing the obstructions?
Are you being seen at a University teaching hospital?
Awful fear to live with. I'd be afraid to eat !
Did a doctor tell you about an obstruction?
He would give very specific instructions.
Usually you would go into the hospital unless it was due to severe constipation which could be taken care of at home.
Think about it. The bowel could have a partial of full obstruction.
You should have pain. I don't get that part.
If full, no air or gas is passing so you would have severe
pain,nausea,vomiting,distended. They usually decompress stomach with a nasogastric tube. They need to find cause which may very well need surgery.
A partial bowel - some pain, either no bm or thin bm, nausea/vomiting.
Good luck.
I had extreme pain,vomiting, gas,bloating,diarrhea all the above. All I know is diet coke helped me feel better than ever and still drinking it now if I have any funny feeling in my stomach to make sure blockage is complete gone like the study said. Google THE research and read it for yourself
Someone posted information about diet coke helping with pain from bowel obstruction. Where did the information come from.
Thanks molly85
The problem with the coke "study" is that it looked at treatment for a phytobezoars. Majority of SBO's are due to adhesions/strictures, not phytobezoars. Pouring coke down a hose that's kinked isn't going to unkink the hose. A clogged drain maybe, but not a kinked hose. That's what most SBOs are.
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intestinal obstruction, pain, research, blockage
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