I had the Implanon implanted July of 2011, before that I took the pill. I was fine August of 2011 and come September I got a vaginal infection. Every month since then I started to get either yeast infections or Bacterial Vaginosis in addition to developing a rash under and on the sides of my mouth. This is the first time in my life that I've had infections this frequent (of coarse every now and then a yeast) but NEVER every month and I have never had a problem with acne or a rash being around my mouth. My obgyn says that its not the implanon causing my misery but it's the only thing I changed so it has to be. My general doctor says the rash looks like perioral dermatitsis. I was given antibiotics for ten days and it didn't make it go away. I've been suffering a little over two years. As far as Implanon working, it has done its job. I never bleed (maybe spotting every now and then), I haven't gained weight, and I barely know its there. I've read other reviews and see the pros and cons from women but haven't read of my two concerns. If any one has had or heard of someone having my problems, PLEASE let me know. I hate to have to take it out and it not be the problem. Also, any suggestions on a different birth control that doesn't cause these issues? Thank you for your time!
Can Implanon cause vaginal infections (Y.I., or B.V.) every month, & rash around the mouth?
Question posted by Starlight888 on 29 Aug 2013
Last updated on 12 October 2022 by Cindyg92209
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
56 Answers
This is happening to me too, i get this infection right before my period and after my period ends, it is so uncomfortable to have this every month, and this started like 3 months after i got nexplanon
I have had the Nexplanon since October 2019 and started having symptoms of infection around September 2021. I got checked for STDs twice and both times came back negative. I kept going to the ob/gyn and I got treated for yeast infection a couple of times, although they kept coming back every month. Then May 2022 I went back and she said I was constantly getting them because my blood sugar was uncontrolled, which wasn’t true for the most part, but I worked on getting my sugars better and infections still kept coming back, so I knew for sure that wasn’t the problem. I am finally getting it removed now and I’m glad I found this site
Okay guys, I know this is and old post but it’s helped me so much and I would like to share my journey as well.
I got the Nexplanon implant in 2015, my first 3 years were great and I had no issues (besides for the fact that after I got it inserted I started to experience some mental health issues such as suicidal thoughts and anxiety, but my provider assured me that this was normal and I should give my body time to adjust to it, so I did). Fast forward to 2018 I got my new one inserted and within a month of that I had my first yeast infection and UTI this is also when I started to experience dryness, minor tearing and discomfort with sec, I went and got checked but did not take any medication because my body is sensitive and I healed it naturally, after that I had small issues but never another yeast infection if I can remember right just a little discomfort and itching here and there.
2019 I began dating my current partner (now 2021 I’ve been with him 2 years) and continued to have no issues, until September 2020 I had my first HORRIBLE yeast infection which was a nightmare! My doctor gave me antibiotics to cure and it was great but came back a week or so later, then I went back in and he gave me more antibiotics and the same thing happened. so I went back in and he wasn’t available so I went to the nurse practitioner and she gave me the antibiotics again. From here it just began to get worse and worse, so after a few months then I decided to stop going completely and cure naturally again! After still struggling with BV (which hadn’t been diagnosed) and another yeast infection I decided I should probably try a new provider, when I went to her she was astonished at the amount of antibiotics they had given me and felt that the antibiotics had ruined my pH so she gave me probiotic suppositories and acidophilus, I’ve been back to her three times with the same issues so she finally diagnosed me with BV. Throughout this whole time I’ve had a feeling it was my Nexplanon because before that I never suffered from any of these issues, but she insisted it was not and could not be caused by nexplanon. Thankfully I have felt some relief after these visits with her but I am still struggling with BV and I think I currently have another yeast infection, this is my fourth in a year? I have found so many pages like this with people with Nexplanon or similar implants that are struggling from the same symptoms, after trying every natural remedy, antibiotics and any crazy thing I can find I still am suffering! So I figure I could just try and get the birth control out to see what happens, if all else fails I’ll just get the stupid thing back in. But after reading this stuff I feel positive that could be the issue. So I’m just going to leave this here and update you after a little bit, thank you all for your help!
I got my nexplanon put in around 3-4 months ago. I had been on pills up until that point but would miss certain days and wanted something stronger. First I’d say, two weeks, I had no period. I was actually worried I was pregnant at that time. Low and behold, my period came the following week and stayed two weeks. After that, it left for a week, and immediately came back, and at this point it’s been about a month plus a week of continuous bleeding. Up until the Nexplanon, I wasn’t sexually active. I began being active after I had got it put in, and immediately noticed I had developed some sort of infection. I’ve never had any sort of infections up until this point. ( I also had sex a few handful of times leading up to the day it was put in, completely fine, no infections) I went in and was told it was BV. I got it treated, had sex again maybe once after it has cleared, and it immediately came back.
(Keep in mind, I am with the same partner) This process continued, and now I’ve had BV about 4 times in 4 month period (while also being on my period continuously) , with this last case, 4th case, (that should be treated, as its been a week since I finished the pills) I feel still lingering. Swollen opening, redness, etc. Before this last case (3rd case), after I had got it treated, we attempted sex and it was awful. Penetration stung, I felt like that area was irritated and it hurt very badly, even though the BV was supposed to be cleared. I found this thread, as I have had a lingering feeling it has something to do with the implant. My doctor has told me in the past that’s impossible and wouldn’t effect it, but after hearing the stories on this thread I’m getting mine out tomorrow. I honestly don’t recommend the Nexplanon to anyone, unless you want long periods and feeling uncomfortable with your body. I’ll update at the end of the week to see if anything clears up after the removal.
I had the same experience! Any updates?
I’m really debating hard to remove it, but it’s been working very well.
I am trying to make life changes to see if it will make an impact
So, I’ve had my eye on this thread since August (got implant in late June 2019) when I started spotting and then getting yeast infections and BV over & over & over again. I’d continuously convince myself that I just needed to change my health habits, but even then nothing would change or the problem would only be alleviated short term.
Talked to my gyno, and I’m sure as most of you are familiar with, she just told me that the nexplanon can’t be causing the problems and I probably needed to take a second birth control to control the spotting. Mind you, I did that and the spotting (sort of) went away and the yeast infection did not. It also made me go crazy because I was literally on two birth controls and the hormones were driving me insane.
I am getting my nexplanon out this morning because of this and switching to a low dose pill (Lutera). I will absolutely update in a week or so.
Ladies and people on the implant, all I will say is trust your gut. Progesterone-only birth controls CAN cause an imbalance of hormones and therefore bacteria, causing these infections. It is literally listed on the website. I know it’s a lot easier to make a decision when looking at threads like these but if you are seriously thinking there’s a problem then you are probably right! And that goes with ANY form of BC. Again, will try and update soon.
Update! I switched to Lutera the Sunday before my nexplanon was removed and treated my last bout of BV. My spotting stopped immediately and I feel tremendously better. Everything feels so much more natural and way way closer to normal than I have felt in a long time. I have no doubt that the nexplanon was contributing to that, directly or indirectly.
I know this is an old post but im so happy i found this. Just like y’all i never had issues with bv, yeast infections, and uti’s before but within the 3 months ive had nexplanon i’ve had multiple. it’s awful every time me and my boyfriend have sex i feel like it’s a new infection. Both him and i were tested for STD’s and both came back clean. The Nexplanon is the only thing i’ve changed. Im scheduled to get it removed next week and hopefully my body will return to normal. i’ll update
Hey did you get it removed? Can you update?? I have the nexplanon implant and had BV ever since getting it 1.5 years ago, getting it out in two weeks so really hoping to get the answer that I’ll go back to normal
I know this is an old post but in case anyone needs an update. I have been dealing with Reoccurring BV and YI for almost a year after having the implant put in. I began to have a frequent period and after consulting numerous doctors, they all said BV and YI is not a side effect. I came across this post and read about so many women with the same problem as me. I tried everything and nothing resolved. I got my implant taken out 3 days ago and haven’t done anything else to treat the BV/YI except getting it removed and I feel good as new!! I immediately went back to my normal self. It was 100% the implant causing my issues.
Hey there, I got the Nexplanon in July of 2019. Since late August and early September (when I started to stress spot due to the implant) I’ve had constant yeast and BV. I’ve been treated with antibiotics, took probiotics, tried a few natural remedies and it ALWAYS has come back with a vengeance. I’m going to speak to my OB/GYN and hopefully she helps my concerns. I think I’m gonna bite the bullet and get the thing removed because it’s been hell and has cost a lot. Hopefully I remember to come back and let people know how my problem goes! I’m so glad to see that others are going through this.
Hey did you get it removed? Can you update?? I have the nexplanon implant and had BV ever since getting it 1.5 years ago, getting it out in two weeks so really hoping to get the answer that I’ll go back to normal
Yes I did! Check the most recent post I made and my response to it. Long story short, I’m glad it’s out!!!
I too have been experiencing on and off BV and yeast! I’m so happy to have found this thread! After 5 weeks of fighting BV and being free of it I still have vaginitis symptoms, so today I took out my Nexplanon. I have had these symptoms before on all other birth control and the only thing that ever changes is the birth control. I’ve only ever had sex with one person my whole life and we have been dating for over 2 years. I had no sex during my treatment with metrogel and cleocin cream. I also experienced spotting for WEEKS which limits sex life in more ways than one. I also had no sexual drive, so what’s the point of birth control if you can’t have sex? Anyways, I will update in a few days. I took it out and am going on vacation in six days so hoping it will resolve with taking this hormonal sh*t out of me. So glad I found other woman who make me feel not crazy
I am 17 and my mom forced me to go on it, ive been on it since march and i’ve had reoccurring bv since then, im going in today to take it out because i’m tired of the itching! after this i cannot ever do birth control again! im traumatized!! i will update you guys in a week
I’m so happy I’m not the only one, I got the nexplanon in December of 2018 and the first few weeks were crappy because I had dizziness, nausea, and headaches but when I called the doc just to make sure I was okay she kept insisting it wasn’t the implant even though I only felt like that right after I got it done. Also just a week ago I got my second yeast infection on this thing but now I’m having vaginal dryness so now my sex life and my insecurities is taking a big hit. I love knowing I can’t get pregnant but the dryness is really starting to get to me:(
I had the implanon put in 1 year ago and since I have had a string of constant infections (vaginitis and UTIs) - 6 in 12 months! My doctor also says it's not caused by it but I'm sure implanon is the cause. Nothing else has changed and I have never had them. I have only had one sexual partner during that time and have been tested for other sexual infections with everything coming back negative
I’m having the same problem as you right now as I’m talking and I’m taking it out on January because I’ve been bleeding for 6 months now and I can’t deal with it anymore.Also I’m having an unpleasant smell which I’ve never had before and yeast infection as well.
Hi, I was wondering what happened with the nexplanon? Did your problem go away?
HI everyone! I wanted to provide an update to my previous posting where I described my 3 month ordeal with yeast infections, bacterial vaginitis and facial blisters and my suspicion that they all were triggered by my newly inserted Nexplanon. As I mentioned, this was my fourth (miscounted in my original post) implant and I didn't have any problems with the first two (6 years). Some problems started occurring with the third one, like slight vaginal burning for several days before my period and reoccurring blisters around my mouth. But the real problems didn't start until my 4th implant. Just a few days after insertion I experienced massive itching and burning, which led to me being treated for yeast infections and BV for three whole months. While I was able to get rid of the infections, the burning and itchin remained. And no, there was no reinfection from my husband, since there was no intercourse during the treatment.
Live was miserable! For me and hubby! With that said, Ladies - I had my implant removed on Tuesday morning and now, Thursday evening, I am happy to say that I am symptom free. What a relief!! My doctor said that the body changes so much over the years that it may very well be that someone tolerates the implant well for a while, but may react negatively to the next round. The implant, and especially new implants may cause such drastic changes in your vaginal environment that frequent infections may occur. While I don't want to discourage anyone from giving Nexplanon a try (it worked well for me for 9 years), I want to encourage you to listen to your body and don't let anyone tell you that the symptoms can't be related because they are not listed as common side effects of the device. Thankfully my doctor was very open to the idea and asked me to let her know if removing it actually worked, because she would then know what to look out for with other women. Regarding alternate birth control, I have now ordered and IUD called Paraguard, which is completely hormone free and can stay in your body for 10 years and is very easy to insert. From what I understand, the only known side effects (unless you have a copper allergy) are potentially heavy bleeding and cramping for the first six month, which then go away. But given the fact I'm now longer pumping hormones into my body, I'll gladly accept that. Good luck for those of you who are still battling with Nexplanon side effects and don't give up! :)
Related topics
implanon, infections, birth control, skin rash, contraception, mouth, vaginal infection
Further information
- Implanon uses and safety info
- Implanon prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Implanon (detailed)
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