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If I miss a dose of predisone can I double a dose ?


Official Answer by 8 Feb 2011

You should not double your dose unless instructed to do so by your doctor or pharmacist.

If you miss a dose of Prednisone and you are taking the medication once a day you should take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If you forget until the next day you should skip the missed dose.

Votes: +2
falcore1 8 Feb 2011

You really should not. I have been on prednisone for over 10 years, so I know alittle about it. Just keep taking it as presribed by your doc. Hope you have a good one, and if you have anymore ques about prednisone just ask, like I said I've been on it for awhile.

Votes: +1
mperry1968 8 Feb 2011

Thank You So Much

wildholly 9 Feb 2011

Absolutely NOT!! Prednisone is a steroid, you must follow the directions. If you miss a dose, pick up where you left off. You NEVER double-up on any medications. That is how people OVERDOSE!!!

Patyoungerman 2 Dec 2018

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