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I'm About To Have Surgery In A Few Days. I was Told Not To Take Aspirin. Is Naprosyn Okay To Take?

5 Answers

Official Answer Medically reviewed by Last updated on Oct 27, 2020.

No, Naprosyn can also thin the blood so should be avoided before surgery as well.
Acetaminophen does not thin the blood and is safe to take before surgery.

If you have any concerns please check with your health professional.

Votes: +2
Isaidso 28 April 2017

If you are referring to elective surgery, ideally the answer is no. Unless specifically directed by your physician, you should not take NSAID's for 10 days prior to surgery (unless cataract surgery then this doesn't usually apply). This includes items such as Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aleve, and Excedrin.

If you need something for pain, contact your surgeon or take Tylenol.

7 days before your surgery, you should stop all aspirin products or consult with your anti-coagulation pharmacist.

Fourteen days prior to surgery you should stop any other multi-vitamins, minerals, supplements, diet pills, and any other homeopathic remedies including essential oils or any other natural products you're friends may be trying to sell you.

For cataract surgery you don't usually need to go off blood thinners. But again, check with your specific surgeon.


Also, no matter what surgery you are having, unless specifically directed by your surgeon or anesthesiologist, nothing to eat after midnight the night before your surgery and only clear liquids up to FOUR hours before. Clear liquids are things such as water, sprite, 7-up, apple juice, ice tea, black coffee (without any creme or sugar), or Coca-Cola. Nothing else but these specific items.

If you take blood pressure medicine normally in the morning, take it with a small sip of water. Do not take any other medicine even if you are diabetic.

By not taking your diabetes medicine you should be fine to fast even if you have an afternoon surgery by drinking the clear liquids listed above up to FOUR hours prior.

Also by staying hydrated and continuing to drink up to the four hours prior to your surgery, you will make putting an IV in easier, and are less likely to experience post operative nauseiousness.

If you fail to follow these rules, or fail to have a driver with you, your surgery may be cancelled.

Votes: +0
JustTabandMe 7 Nov 2018

Just wanted to clarify that I’ve been instructed by two eye surgeons to stop all aspirin, nsaids, thinners, etc., 10 days prior to surgery. It’s always best to ask questions about what to take or not to take from your Surgeon’s office, just to be sure. Excess bleeding during & after any surgery can become critical. HTH!

brenda fain 25 May 2011

i would think not to take as it may thin your blood causing you bleed excessive !but it might be in your best interest to check with your doctor who can give you a more correct answer !or ask at your pre-op visit !

God bless & best wishes

Votes: +0
LaurieShay 24 May 2011

Hey gail,

Yep naproxen or naprosyn is an anti inflammatory that will thin the blood. It affects the platelets actually. Anyway, acetominophen is ok to take before surgery.

Good luck with the surgery,


Votes: +2
LaurieShay 24 May 2011

Ooops, I meant "yep" I agree with the previous post not "yep" to your question. It is NOT ok to take naproxen before surgery.

BRRMARS 24 May 2011

Wow, guys, i'm so sorry i almost killed this guy, my doctor told me the exact opposite, i'm glad you corrected my dumb butt. please forgive me i'm usuallly not this careless. i'm sorry

Inactive 24 May 2011

don't take naproxen or naprosyn!!! Listen to what they have told you. Im not sure why your doc told you its ok??? Good luck with the surgery, let us hear from you. Von

BRRMARS 24 May 2011

yes, asprin, acetametaphine thin your blood so that is not good before surgery, naproxin has neither of those in them so it's okay

Votes: +0
Inactive 24 May 2011

Hi BRRRMARS, you should not take NSAIDS like naproxen and ibuprofen before surgery. It increase your chance of excessive bleeding just like asprin does. Tylenol (acetimitophen) is fine to take before surgery because it doesn't carry that same bleeding risk the NSAIDS and asprin have.

BRRMARS 24 May 2011

WOW, i'm sorry, i could have done you harm, my doctor told me the exact opposite, i'm truly sorry i'm glad somebody corrected me. free discount card

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