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I had a cortisone shot yesterday & today I feel really sickly, is this normal?

39 Answers Page 2

Lberumen 11 Oct 2020

I went to see doctor about some pain I was having in my knee at night. The x Ray technician wasn’t there so he offered a cortisone shot . I wasn’t nervous because I know lots of people get them. When I got home my knee kinda felt sore but I was okay. But as the day progressed I got the sweats bad. I am on day three and I am miserable I either have the sweats or what appears to be a fever but a wave of warmth so much that I can see my face get red. And just a lingering headache . A miserable lingering headache that no amount of advil is helping. I can hardly sleep . I am upset with the doctor because he never mentioned any side effects . Scared because I don’t know how long this is going to last . And on top of it all my knee feels the same . Never will do it again . I just pray this ends soon

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Bethanyw32808 1 Oct 2020

I am so glad I found this thread! I thought I was loosing my mind! I had a injection in my right hip for a FAI last Friday and have felt horrible ever since. No appetite , high blood pressure, face flushing, dry mouth, nauseous, loose stool, hands and fingers feel tingly. I thought I was coming down with something. Any idea how long this lasts?

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Callie1411 17 Aug 2020

I had my third shot one week ago for bursitis in my shoulder. The last shot was last October. Because I had swelling in my face, my dr gave me half the dose. This time my face swelled but it went away in one hour; however , this time I have a headache, some loss of appetite, decreased sleep and feeling lightheaded. I did not have these symptoms last October. Do you think they are using a different synthetic med? They do not list these side effects when you do a search. Wondering how long this will last?

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Mr-E 7 Aug 2020

Hello. I am just writing here because I am going through this as well including the extremely random and strange side effects for almost 3 weeks. I feel that this needs to stop and people cannot go through what we have gone through. Is there any update on how long side effects lasted for?? including vomiting, no appetite, nausea, rapid weight gain in waist/chest and neck, etc? Blurred vision probably one of the worst. Thank you in advance

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Bnewby 28 June 2020

Ok so from all the post where are the updates? Was it just the body reaction to a foreign substance? Have you guys recovered. That answer will provide relief to many because the anxiety of these symptoms can take over your life

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Cher1184 21 Feb 2020

Hi, I had a fluoroscopic guided cortisone injection into my hip joint on Monday for osteoarthritis pain... the procedure was fine. I started to suffer severe flushing from the Tuesday morning & went on to develop a headache like I’ve never experienced before!!

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tgriff96129 30 Jan 2020

I as well had a combo of cortisone and SynvicOne shot 2 days ago and have had weird reactions, about 6 hours after the shot. Sweating, pounding heart. Next day still pounding heart and face on fire, by evening I had a sore throat and my whole body felt hot but not sweating, my face was bright red and hot. today I am cooler feeling, almost chilled and sore throat, brain fog. How long will these symptoms last? any thoughts?

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Celena Lynn 24 Oct 2019

I'm responding to the many, many recent responses this year. Everyone who has responded has helped me realize I am not alone !!! Thank you all ! I received 2 steroid injections yesterday, Oct 23rd 2019 in my right wrist and my left heel. I had an personal accident several months ago and sustained injuries. (I like to say God's keeping me grounded, literally all the time. I also believe my disappointments are saving me from something worst happening to me)
My wrist has a tear (requiring surgery)and my heel has a lot of inflammation. I feel horrible !!! I keep feeling hot then cold..Im breaking out in "cold sweats"
I'm sick to my stomach ! I feel like I took a large dose of medicine on an empty stomach, shortness of breath... so feels like an Anxiety attack that's been going on 20 hours and counting. Reading other responses,
I can expect this go on even longer...


Apparently this is normal ! !
& when I call my doctor office later I suspect I'll be told otherwise.
If it wasn't for these threads I'd be non the wiser.

Votes: +1
701steff 12 Dec 2021

I am experiencing the same exact feelings! Anxiety like crazy and no appetite! How long did this last for u and did u find anything to help it

Perfectly Created 20 Sep 2019

I had severe nausea, headaches and weakness from the steroid pills. Two months ago my Dr decided to give me a shot (in my hip) instead of the pills. I had a little nausea but it didn’t last long.

Three days ago I went to my Rheumatologist and my labs are still showing a lot of inflammation and I have pain. The injection 2 months ago helped me minimally. Since I tolerated the shot the last time they decided to give me another shot. I have been so nauseous since that shot. It gets worse everyday. I just called my Dr. and she said, the steroid injection would not cause me to be nauseous, it must be something else going on. If the pills made me nauseous why couldn’t the shot make me nauseous? I told her I’m weak, can hardly eat or sleep because of the way I’m feeling. I told her I’m going to the ER to get fluids and hopefully it’ll flush it out of me because this is a horrible feeling.


She strongly advised that it is not the shot but yes, go to the ER and they can give me something for gastric relieve. I told her I’m making bowel movements and do not have gas. She still stood firm that the injection would not make me feel this way (again the pills made me feel like this). The only difference is I don’t have a headache. It was only after the injection that I started feeling like this. I haven’t taken any other medication besides melatonin since the injection.

Now I’m reading that others have had the same reactions to steroid shots that I’m having.

Can it be where the shot was placed? This time is was given to me in my arm (which is still sore). I had an injection in my shoulder 2 times in the past for bursitis (years ago). It didn’t make me feel like this This time it’s being given for RA and inflammation.

I’m so confused and feeling icky.

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Cgaby90 28 Sep 2019

Perfectly Created Doctors always try to cover up and act like they don't know when they do. I have the worse symptoms severe anxiety and depression, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, I'm never hungry, teeth hurt, hard to swallow, numbness on my legs and arms, I'm always tired, insomnia and vaginal bleeding, etc. I was healthy way before this shot and it was my first shot for my lower back I have 2 disc bulges. And oh how I regret getting this poisonous shot! How is this legal! It damages lives and families. I want to know how long your symptoms lasted? I really want to know if you can please answer. I been taking B12, iron, Vitamin D3 & magnesium. I have been taking advil but sometimes it don't work.

IsabellaValentina 21 July 2019

That happens to me every time I get an injection in my back. You have to realize that there are going to be some side affects the doctor is putting a foreign substance into your nervous system. It lasts from a few days to a week. I get bouts of getting flushed and nauseous and I feel tired every single time I have it done but the benefits outweigh the slight discomfort I have for a short while afterwards.

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Ky66 13 July 2019

I had a cortisone shot Monday in my thumb joint and two days later I have been very light headed ever since. I didn't know what was wrong but just realized it might be from the shot.

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Dizzylizzie 7 Aug 2019

I had a cortisone shot in my shoulder three weeks ago. I felt queasy straight away and for the next two weeks I had horrible headaches and dizziness, some nausea, flushing face. The third week I feel absolutely exhausted. I feel like nodding off at certain times throughout the day. The headaches have gone and the giddiness is easing. My shoulder pain is mostly gone but I feel the problem is still there.

Dizzylizzie 7 Aug 2019

I felt this way after my shot, three weeks later and I' m still not right. So many people seem to be having similar side effects and yet the medical profession keep saying it's nothing to do with the shot. I beg to differ.

MrsMButler 6 May 2019

In Googling side effects of a Cortisone shot, everything I’m feeling was not mentioned on ANY sites I visited until I got to this one. I got a shot on Wednesday of last week. Day 1, I had a headache & loose stools. Day 2 & 3, migraines & loose stools. Day 4 headache & loose stool. Day 5, so far, just loose stools!!! I’m so sick of it! I’ve eaten so many Pepto tabs I should buy stock. I would say it’s all worth it, but dang it, I still have pain in my elbow! This is the first time I’ve gotten one, so, I’m not sure I will get another. On the bright side, maybe all of this pooping will help me lose weight! Ha!
Ugh! Guess I’ll call my doctor too.

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KjcCookie46 5 May 2019

Hi I am not a physician however I have had several Cortisone knee injections over the last two years , only the last year I have noticed I also have been really ill, nauseous, nasty Taste in my mouth, tired , head ache , fever when I told my doctor about this it’s always a look of shock, I don’t understand or maybe it’s that your getting sick , I’m like no this is from the cortisone injections it happens every time , I am 3 days in and still sick , hopefully in the near future this medication will be researched to determine why now is it causing so many horrible side effects
Hang in there .

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LightSeeker 3 May 2019

I had 2 steroid shots yesterday in right hip for bursitis. Last night when I tried to go to sleep I could hear the sound of my heart beat in my ears. Couldn’t sleep because of the sound. Today I’m super dizzy, especially when getting up from seated position, my hands are tingling and I get winded when I walk. I’ve had many injections but never had 2 at a time. Never had this response

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Bookishdark 15 April 2019

I had my first shot in January and felt lousy for a week and a half, if not longer. When it finally subsided and the pain diminished, I wasn’t sure if it was because of the steroid working or a decrease in another medication. I had the initial face flushing. Then it was a general unwell feeling, nausea, diarrhea, headache. I just had my second injection a week ago. Face flushing, headache, nausea, discomfort in my neck, diarrhea - I feel miserable. I’m desperate for this misery to end.

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