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Acetaminophen & Hydrocodone 325/5 vs 500/5 - Which has more Hydrocodone?


Official Answer Medically reviewed by Last updated on Nov 5, 2020.

Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone 325mg/5mg contains: 325mg acetaminophen and 5mg hydrocodone.

Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone 500mg/5mg contains: 500mg acetaminophen and 5mg hydrocodone.

Therefore the hydrocodone dose is the same in each strength (5mg) with the acetaminophen dose varying from 325mg and 500mg.

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Havokswim 14 March 2015

As far as I know, it isn't that hydro/apap 5/325 is regular strength and 5/500 is extra strength, but that 5/325 is regular strength Norco (and its generic versions) and 5/500 is regular strength Vicodin (and it's generic versions.

Smithquick 3 July 2015

Both have the same amount of opioids which is what the 5 stands for and 325 or 500 is the Tylenol if you dont know what acetaminophen stands for. Hope this helps others asking the same question. ;-)

Smithquick 3 July 2015

Also im not knocking you but Norco is a company brand name like lorocet and percecet.

maskellswife4life 12 Sep 2016

Also, by experienced 5/325 are stronger feeling then the 5/500's.

maninblack4ever 5 Nov 2016

325/5 are the Same as 500's the 325 is the amount of acetaminophen in the

Kristycunico 20 Nov 2017

If u have the IP 109 just take 3 it will level out to the 500 & have the same strength so it’s a 10/ i half basically

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