I am on Cymbalta 60 mg once a day & have been doing fine for almost a year or so but I have been through a very difficult death in the family & have other things going on that have put me in a ver deep, deep depression. I went to the Dr. for help & he wants to add wellbutrin 150 mg along with the Cymbalta for a week and then increase the wellbutrin to 300 mg. I am very nervous to do this to say the least but am desperate to get bak to normal and FINALLY feel happy again and not sad at every turn in my life. I am 43 and have 2 kids who need me. I also need myself back! Please let me know if the combination is a good one or not.
Thank You So Much for your help.
How well does Cymbalta & wellbutrin work together, is it safe?
Question posted by want to be happy again on 23 April 2011
Last updated on 18 July 2022
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
15 Answers
I have been on Duloxetine (Cymbalta) 60mg for 10+ years. Recently my PCP put me on Bupropion (Wellbutrin) starting 150mg for one week and increasing to 300mg (150 twice a day). I mis-read the bottle and started on Monday taking two pills at the same time daily. Today is Thursday. I’m feeling a little shaky, but other than that I’m okay. I now know from all my reading that the pill should be taken twice daily one in the am and other in the afternoon. Has anyone done this and had any adverse effects?
Hi! I’m curious to know your current results. I just been put on 30mg cymbalta 150 Wellbutrin.
Very personal but have any sexual effects??? Or anyone. I already have a low sex drive I’m nervous to add another onto it
This is just a side comment about cymbalta. Years ago a doctor prescribed it to me for PMS symptoms in my early thirties. Now I haven't been diagnosed with it but I'm almost 50 and I know I have pdms. To the point that I cannot work. I got back on some balls after being off of it for many years and it has alleviated that by 50% and has taken away nerve pain I have by 75%. And of course it's an antidepressant
PMDD is what I meant not PDMS.
Bupropion has the potential to help with lowered by other medication (SSRI, SNRI) libido and bring it closer or fully to the normal level. If this is a big issue, studies show that adding trazodone to therapy significantly increases sex drive impaired by medicines that cause sexual dysfunction, to the extent that some patients experience more satisfactory sexual life than ever before.
I am a nurse and was first prescribed Cymbalta 8 months ago then due to multiple stresses in my life was added Wellbutrin 2xday 2 months ago. At first I thought it was great but I have a severe reaction causing drug induced mania with subsequent psych hospitalization. My symptoms included racing thoughts, heart palpitations, sweating excessively, excessive spending, increase anxiety and depression, rage, angry outbursts and fleeting suicidal ideations. So while not everyone may have these severe symptoms I sure did. I am now off of both cymbalta and Wellbutrin. Hope this helps
Sounds like mania/hypomania which can both be provoked by antidepressants. I was being treated for MDD until I began having manic episodes and was taken off AD's and started on appropriate Bipolar meds. Five years later and all is good now!
I had the same side effects from Cymbalta, plus many more. Sometimes these side effects don’t go away. They never did for me. I continued to get worse over the years. My doctor prescribed it for nerve pain. I lost over 10 years of my life because of Cymbalta. Neither my doctor nor I knew what was going on but at the end of my time on Cymbalta I tried to tell him it was all happening because of the medication. He wouldn’t believe me. I finally found a Cymbalta support group and they helped me taper off Cymbalta. Now that I’m completely off every side effect is gone. I have my life back.
I'm almost 50 and I've had for lack of a better term mental problems all my life. I mean I was high functioning headache engineering job but got to a point to where I had to go out of state to Washington and stay somewhere for 2 months to get someone to diagnose me correctly. I've been diagnosed with bipolar one PTSD I have had an eating disorder since I was a kid ADHD. Finally I'm getting some relief. I finally found a psychiatrist after a year and a half of looking that will prescribe me the maximum dose of cymbalta although he did take me off a Wellbutrin which I'm going to push him to put me back on because I'm starting to be depressed. Severe PMS symptoms and fatigue and nerve pain. But everyone's different if he has you on low doses of both I would say go for it because it helps me tremendously.
Good combo if you need energy from fatigue
No significant interaction
Not so good if you have anxiety
Depends on how the Cymbalta affects you: if it makes you tired then this combo is probably going to be useful
if however Cymbalta makes you overactive then this combo could make things a bit too hyper.
Hello, you said if cymbalta makes you tired that Wellbutrin and cymbalta is probably a good combo. It does make me tired so that is why I stopped taking the cymbalta. I don’t have issues with anxiety. It sounds like it’s working for you. I suffer from lack of energy so I am taking the Wellbutrin, but after 4 years it’s not working alone anymore. Your comment makes me want to give the combo another shot. It may be what I am looking for but didn’t want to spend my days exhausted from the Cymbalta. It sounds like that turns around after some time. How long before you noticed more energy after taking the cymbalta in addition to Wellbutrin? Did I understand your comment in that it is a good combo for increasing energy. That is what my doc said but I was worried after a few days of feeling tired while on it. It could be I needed to allow more time for the combo to work.
Ok this is how this should be approached.
First you have to decide the primary antidepressant
Cymbalta has one of the highest efficacy rates of all the antidepressants from many including recent studies so is a high likely chance it will work but it will take a few good weeks. It does however have quite a few troublesome side effects including tiredness and fatigue but on average these tend to reduce over time but for some they don't go away.
The only way you can assess this is by taking it for at least 8 to 12 weeks, on its own.
Wellbutrin it's not usually added to deal with the side effects of tiredness from the primary antidepressant it's usually added to increase the antidepressant effect of the primary medication if it is only partially working and if it is preferred to keep the patient on that medication rather than looking for an alternative more activating AD such as fluoxetine or effexor.
It is not normal to add in a second antidepressant until the first one has been tried on its own for at least the 8 to 12 weeks trial period and then if the only problem is tiredness there are other more appropriate adjunctive medications to add in that deal specifically with fatigue such as Modafinil or good old caffeine
If Wellbutrin is added because it's needed to increase the antidepressant effect then yes as a combination it will tend to be more activating and balance out any lingering fatigue from the cymbalta but there is no point in this until you've had the min 8-12 weeks on the Cymbalta alone because the fatigue may go away and you may not need to take anything else.
I don't want to second guess your prescriber but If you really can't deal with the tiredness in the trial weeks then it might be better to ask for modafinil because that is easier to stop if you no longer need it.
I hope this comment didn’t deter someone from following their dr’s advice. U have no business second guessing the worst drs with the knowledge, or lack there of, concerning the medications, how they work, and the “one drug at a time “ policy that is ur issue. The other 7 billion people who might need the help; disregard that ignorance. Cymbalta is a SNRI. It affects seratonin and norepinephrine. Effexor works the same way. These are good for anxiety as well. They can be a little sedating and are not much different than Prozac, lexapro, Paxil. They are notorious for sexual side effects both male and female. Wellbutrin affects dopamine. It doesn’t have the sexual side effects, but it does have potential for side effects for folks sensitive to stimulants. It can cause anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite and seizures. Just follow ur drs advice and make sure ur pharmacist knows what medicines and vitamins you take. I have taken both.
First Wellbutrin, then cymbalta. Now I take both. Trust ur dr and u will be fine. If you take a benzodiazepine for anxiety, don’t stop. Xanax, Valium and company can’t be abruptly stopped while u are taking Wellbutrin. This is when seizures could be a problem.
It depends on your genetics and your reactions to medication. I finally found a doctor who will put me on five medications that are complete no-nose in the medical field that work for me tremendously. I metabolize medications quickly. For years I wouldn't take medicine. Now I'm realizing I need a combination of medication that really helps me. It only took me 35 years to figure that out.
But be careful because I think I'm one of you few. I will say SSRI'S have an adverse effect on me.
Won't take them. They make everything worse for me.
Doctors are very cautious though. They won't prescribe anything close to what might harm you. Well most anyway. In alabama. You can hardly get them to prescribe anything LOL
I have been on many AD’s my doc says I’m Med sensitive?? Been on Cymbalta helping to calm me but still having trouble coping with work and daily struggles. Can’t SLEEP more than 4-5 hrs. If I’m lucky. Wore out and feeling lost.
I have suffered with Clinical Depression for at least 20 years and tried many anti depressants including ECT with varied or no results. I finally found a medication that worked extremely well. I have been on Cymbalta 60 mg for 4 years until it stopped working about 6 weeks ago and I crashed badly. My GP upped the dose to 90mg but when that had no effect after trying it for 3 weeks she added 150 mg of Wellbutrin to the original dose of 60 mg. of Cymbalta. This was a week ago and nothing has improved yet. I hope it will soon...
My 17 year old son had gotten to the place that the highest dose of Prozac combined with Wellbutrin was no longer helping. His pediatric psychiatrist decided to try Cymbalta instead of Prozac. He said, "I've never prescribed these together. Let me check with the pharmacist." That was a bit disconcerting, but I'm glad he did. My son is a different kid.
Can you send me a message? I have a question.
This is an awesome story!! I'm so happy your son is doing well. My p doc just added cymbalta to my Wellbutrin today and I gave found that it has made such a difference in people's life's. Thanks so much for sharing
This is an awesome story!! I'm so happy your son is doing well. My p doc just added cymbalta to my Wellbutrin today and I have found that it has made such a difference in people's lives just from finding and reading on this site. Thanks so much for sharing your story
So glad he's not taking Prozac anymore. I know first hand that when you're young and first start taking antidepressants they can have adverse effects on you. I overdosed on Prozac. It made me crazy for lack of a better word. When I was 21. I can not take SSRI's to this day and I'm almost 50.
I am taking Cymbalta and Wellbutrin and I concur that if taken properly it's fine. But I also wanted to say I'm 43 with two kids and I lost my sister at the end of 2015. She was my best friend, my confidant, my #1 cheerleader and much more. I was beyond devastated. The grief not only took over me but it affected my marriage and my joy I used to have spending time with my kids. So I wanted to let u know u shouldn't feel bad about taking steps to take care of yourself. I'm doing better now and yes, I broke down yesterday and cried over her but I've learned and doing the best I can. Don't let anyone tell u how u should feel. Take care of u so u can take care of others but remember someone should be taking care of u too!!! A mother needs love too. Hope u feel better soon.
After a series of life stressors, my doctor put me on 20 mg of Cymbalta and I felt little to no benefit. We increased it to 30 mg and I felt good but also had side effects I didn't like of grinding my teeth and loss of sex drive/libido. I changed to Wellbutrin 300 mg and I had an increased sex drive but I had an increase in my anxiety again without the depression. We then added back in CYMbalta 20 mg and I felt great but I was having some trouble with sleep taking the CYMbalta in am and 300 mg Wellbutrin at night. I switched this to taking the 300 mg Wellbutrin in am and the CYMbalta 20 mg at night. My anxiety and depression are well controlled with no loss of sex drive and I am sleeping great. Best combo I have ever had.
I know your comments were long ago and I'm not sure you will see this comment but wondered how the WB and cymbalta combo worked for you. I was on 300mg of Wellbutrin for the past four years after a separation from my husband. It was a life saver at the time. Most recently I had a family member suffer a massive stroke and I had to be the caregiver or nursing home they go. After a year of this I went back to the p doc and he added another 150mg to the Wellbutrin since it was always a good med for me. So 450 total. After a month of that I really have not felt all that much better. Today he added 30mg of cymbalta, a very low dose. Initially I thought it was a lot of meds all together but he explained everything to me and I feel very comfortable with the combo. I'm just going to be starting cymbalta today so I was glad to come across your post. If you do get this please update on how you are doing and whether or not this was a help.
I have continued on the Wellbutrin in the Am and 20 MG Cymbalta at night . It continues to work well for me. I have had my home and work flooded recently and I am considering going back to my doctor to talk about 30 MG Cymbalta for the anxiety I am feeling in dealing with my recent feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed with so much to do and handle.
I have continued on the Wellbutrin in the Am and 20 MG Cymbalta at night . It continues to work well for me. I have had my home and work flooded recently and I am considering going back to my doctor to talk about 30 MG Cymbalta for the anxiety I am feeling in dealing with my recent feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed with so much to do and handle.
Hi Dkhall thanks for your reply. Sorry to hear about the flooding. My doctor told me 60mg of cymbalta is usually the starting dose when used with another AD. Mine put me on 30 and says to try that first and we could tinker with it later. I would think 20mg is very very low so yes I would talk to your p doc about 30 as opposed to 20. I have yet to start the cymbalta as I was hoping to get more info on whether it helped people. I always like to check with others prior to jumping in. How long before you felt better on the Wellbutrin and cymbalta combo when you initially started these meds? Do you recall? Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Dkhall thanks for your reply. Sorry to hear about the flooding. My doctor told me 60mg of cymbalta is usually the starting dose when used with another AD. Mine put me on 30 and says to try that first and we could tinker with it later. I would think 20mg is very very low so yes I would talk to your p doc about 30 as opposed to 20. I have yet to start the cymbalta as I was hoping to get more info on whether it helped people. I always like to check with others prior to jumping in. How long before you felt better on the Wellbutrin and cymbalta combo when you initially started these meds? Do you recall? Hope you feel better soon.
asking the question
Darlin, God love ur heart! I take EXACTLY the same thing! Cymbalta 60 an Wellbutrin 300. Both of these 2 meds together has helped my depression TREMENDOSLY!!! I have no side affects an feel so NORMAL . I have been on these 2 meds now going on 6 years an its not let me down yet! Alot of people get off of an antidepressant way too soon an dont give it time to do what its meant to do.Some people dont realize that if they feel bad at first taking a med ,,, they just have to stick it out til the side affect plays out. Most side affects of any anti D most of the time play out. Dont let negative comments disscourage u about these meds. GIVE THEM TIME DARLIN to do what they are meant to do an if u feel bad at first ,, dont get discouraged pleease. Remember, TIME!! God Bless!!!
You should not be giving out advice on any medications, especially anti-depressants with her side effects. She needs to talk to her doctor. Some people cannot tolerate the two together. I have been on many different antidepressants and Sam have made me very depressed and like I’m going to lose it as she says above. They should never make you feel like that even in the beginning. Unless you are licensed medical doctor don’t give out medical advice on a forum. What works for one person may not work for the other. Gosh I hope she didn’t listen to you.
Wow that was rude. This form is for people to discuss medications because everyone acts to medications differently. Of course it is up to their doctor. And sometimes doctors aren't always right and don't always listen to you.
I've learned that the hard way over the past 35 years. I finally have one that's actually listening to me and I'm getting better. No one on here is telling anyone what to take and what not to take in my opinion.
How do you take your Cymbalta and Wellbutrin? One in the morning and one at night? wellbutrin made me very alert, and Cymbalta makes me slightly sleepy. I take Cymbalta in the mornings.
Any answers out there?
I have started taking Wellbutrin e 300 mg twice daily (slow release)along with cymbalta due to some very difficulty personal family issues resulting in my depression. I have been feeling very weird. Tearful, kind
Of like I am ready to lose it... Have a panic attack etc. anyone else feel like this at first .
Hello want to be happy. Sorry to hear that you are feeling so low. I was at one time almost on the same combo that your dr. is going to put you on. The dosage of the wellbutrin, bringing it up to 300mg, I think will really help you. Wellbutrin seems to be a popular med, especially when used in combination with say cymbalta. Hopefully you'll begin to see results and get your old self back. Then, alot of the baggage, ( and this is so true!) will disappear. You'll look back and say ha! I'm back and look out world! Best wishes from us all and please let us know how you are doing.
Thank You so much for responding to my question. I am impressed how this site works, very nice to know there are people out here to ask questions to that have possible been on the same med combination. I hope you are right with getting back to the old me and rid of all the baggage (can't wait for that to happen). It's hard to have to push yourself to get up and do things when you really don't want to. I Thank God for my kids, they are the reason I get up and go each and every day. I Love them with all my heart but I know that I need to get myself straight - Happy with myself again. Again Thank You and I will let you know how things go :)
Hello again want to be happy. And no , I , we thank you for answering us. For in my case, trying to help another person, is almost selfish on my behalf for in doing so, I manage to help myself. It makes me feel good. Positive sort of thing. And feel free, to post anytime. No shame in asking for help. Lord knows I've done it so many times. Best of wishes, to you, want to be happy and your kids. It is Easter Sunday, enjoy the day, and I wish that also for all my friends here on the site. Have a great day.
hello,i am currently on 300 mg of bupropion it is helping with my depression and gives me energy throughout the day..but it does not help my anxiety issues at all..would adding cymbalta help with the anxiety... im socially shut down..i dont go anywhere with family and avoid interaction with people... should i add cymbalta..feedback appreciated..
I am taking wellbutrin and just started with the cybalta, was taking Lyrica but did not do well with the side effects, edema and difficulty urinating, weight gain. I am doing low-dose on cymbalta have fibromyalgia and degenerative disk disease, also have joint pain injections in all knees and elbows..yada yada. pain sucks and so does depression.
I have suffered frome severe anxiety and panic disorder for 25yrs and have used this combination.. it works very we'll..so we'll that after a number of yrs I decided to get off the welbutrin and just use Cymbalta... I have some anxiety again as a lot is going on I my life..leaving a 15yr relationship and starting a new, starting college full time and as my sin is grown and o his own I have taken on the responsibility of my boyfriends 2 kids 20 and 14.. so even though I'm the happiest I've been in yrs the anxiety had emerged yet again so now I am going back ob the combo and am looking forward to feeling "normal" again after so many yrs..so good luck and believe me u will feel better like a whole new person
Hello I know your post is old but hoping you can give insight on Wellbutrin cymbalta combo. Haven't started it yet as I'm hoping to hear from others and their experiences on these two meds. Thanks!!
Hey want to be happy again,
I have taken Wellbutrin with Cymbalta and have had good results. Wellbutrin is often prescribed along with other antidepressants to help augment them. Maso pointed out the problem with seizure threshold, but if you are not prone to seizures this should not be a problem particularly at the correct dosage of 150 to 300 that you mentioned. I would trust your doctor and give this a try until you are through the grieving process and have your life back in order.
Good luck and wishing you the very best,
I am so impressed with this site, it's reassuring to know that there are other people out there that have possible taken the same combination of medication and to hear their feed back on it. I have been depressed before but this time it's the worst I've experienced :( my Father passed away in August of this year. Unfortunately he had Dementia and my family and I took care of him but I have to say that was such a hard thing to watch as the progression of the disease took over his life. So, between that and every day stresses (including I have a 16 year old who is now driving) and a 7 year old who could talk till the cow come home,haha. Stresses that we all go through but for some reason I am not handling them very well. So, I Thank You very much for responding and listening to me ramble which is probably not part of this site but very much appreciated. Wishing you the best and I will let you know how it goes with the mess.
You are welcome, and please post anytime. We are hear to listen also. You have your hands full and many of us understand that as we have been there, done that. Keep us updated on your progress.
Hey Wanna Be Happy,
I have just started on Bupropion and I am also on Cymbalta 60mg. Thank you for asking your question, I have been wondering the same thing! Hopefully we will both have great results and be able to encourage others dealing with depression! Good luck to you :-)
Interactions between your selected drugs
bupropion ↔ duloxetine
Applies to: Wellbutrin (bupropion), Cymbalta (duloxetine)
MONITOR CLOSELY: The use of bupropion is associated with a dose-related risk of seizures. The estimated incidence of seizures is approximately 0.1% at dosages up to 300 mg/day and 0.4% at dosages between 300 to 450 mg/day, but increases almost tenfold between 450 mg and 600 mg/day. The risk may also be increased during coadministration with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI antidepressants or anorectics), monoamine oxidase inhibitors, neuroleptic agents, central nervous system stimulants, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants, other tricyclic compounds (e.g., cyclobenzaprine, phenothiazines), systemic steroids, and/or any substance that can reduce the seizure threshold (e.g., carbapenems, cholinergic agents, fluoroquinolones, interferons, chloroquine, mefloquine, lindane, theophylline).
These agents are often individually epileptogenic and may have additive effects when combined.
MANAGEMENT: Extreme caution is advised if bupropion is administered with any substance that can reduce the seizure threshold, particularly in the elderly and in patients with a history of seizures or other risk factors for seizures (e.g., head trauma; brain tumor; severe hepatic cirrhosis; metabolic disorders; CNS infections; excessive use of alcohol or sedatives; addiction to opiates, cocaine, or stimulants; diabetes treated with oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin). Bupropion as well as concomitant medications should be initiated at the lower end of the dose range and titrated gradually if feasible. The total dose of bupropion should generally not exceed 450 mg/day (or 150 mg every other day in patients with severe hepatic cirrhosis). Bupropion should be discontinued and not restarted in patients who experience a seizure during treatment.
Other drugs that your selected drugs interact with
Cymbalta (duloxetine) interacts with more than 500 other drugs.
Wellbutrin (bupropion) interacts with more than 300 other drugs.
Interactions between your selected drugs and food
duloxetine ↔ food
Applies to: Cymbalta (duloxetine)
GENERALLY AVOID: Use of duloxetine in conjunction with chronic alcohol consumption may potentiate the risk of liver injury. Duloxetine alone can increase serum transaminase levels. In clinical trials, 0.3% of patients discontinued duloxetine due to liver transaminase elevations. The median time to detection was about two months. Three duloxetine-treated patients had liver injury as manifested by transaminase and bilirubin elevations, with evidence of obstruction. Substantial intercurrent ethanol use was present in each of these cases, which may have contributed to the abnormalities observed. Duloxetine does not appear to enhance the central nervous system effects of alcohol. When duloxetine and ethanol were administered several hours apart so that peak concentrations of each would coincide, duloxetine did not increase the impairment of mental and motor skills caused by alcohol.
MANAGEMENT: Due to the risk of liver injury, patients prescribed duloxetine should be counseled to avoid excessive use of alcohol. Duloxetine should generally not be prescribed to patients with substantial alcohol use.
Take crare.-
What about serotonin syndrome? Is that a possibility with these two meds, at the prescribed amount???
No, they work well together and are very effective if taken in the correct dosage.
Wow,Thank you so much for all of the information. I really do appreciate it :) Sorry it's taken me so long to get back but I usually only have time when the kids are in bed & all is quiet,haha. Again Thank You for your help.
You are very welcome.
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cymbalta, wellbutrin, depression
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