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How many cytotec pills is neccessary to take if you want to have a abortion? and at what intervals?

5 Answers

REYDEN 9 May 2019


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Judycarlo 3 April 2017

12 Cytotec tablets. Take 4 sublingually , then after 3 hours take another 4 sublingually, then take 4 more sublingually after another 3 hours.

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Munthir 27 Jan 2017

My wife have pregnancy of 5 weeks , and she want to do Abortion using cytotec misoprostol tablets . Pls need your instructions how to use this drug


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Luxurybird 17 Sep 2016

I think 4 pills at a go,thus swallowing 2 and inserting 2 at night .

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suzanne66 26 Aug 2009

Misoprostol is licensed in the United States only for the prevention of gastric ulcers associated with the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; it carries a warning against its use during pregnancy. Still, the drug has been widely used off label for cervical ripening and labor induction.

See these links.

If you need an abortion seek medical help.

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cytotec, abortion

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