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How long will you have an erection with lavitra?

3 Answers

theunclebear 20 April 2010

I see that this question was posted 5 weeks ago. I hope you've seen your Doctor for the "Talk" since then (and a free sample), but just in case not - - The common theme out there seems to be "four hours, or so". The erection does not come from the Levitra. The Levitra gives you the ABILITY to obtain and maintain an erection from being stimulated mentally and/or physically, and the endurance to take your time and ENJOY it. From experience (which is VERY individual) you can expect to be "ready" in as little as 15 minutes, "imminently viable" for at least four hours, and quite capable for 24 hours or longer (no pun intended). Don't be shy about talking to your Doctor, you're not alone. About 30% of men have difficulties BY AGE 30, and another 10% are added to that statistic for every 10 years of age.


That means if one of your friends is 40, there's a 40% chance he needs a little help. If he's 60, there's a 60% chance. All that to say this, - - your Doctor has heard this before (that's where I learned it). I hope this helps, make an appointment.

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JohnySmith 30 March 2010

It will depend on the duration of your sexual intercourse. Levitra works naturally and after ejaculation your penis comes to its normal size.

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Inactive 14 March 2010

Well, lets see here, I don't know, and can't say, just how long they will last, but I do know that it says this; "If You have a constant erection lasting 4 hours or longer, to get to the doctor immediately". I hope this helps You, and good luck to You.

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