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How long does pain last after having neulasta injection after chemo treatment for breast cancer?

6 Answers

SunnyDi 5 April 2022

My pain lasted about 3 days. 13 years later and still no side effects. Maybe I was a lucky one. I had 2 injections, a week apart following the "red devil" chemos.

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Sancer17 4 April 2022

Hi It's been 2yrs since my last Neulasta shot. I suffer everyday allday with bone pain from my hips to my toes. The pain will intensify to a stabbing burning pain when there's been no movement after 2 hrs. My oncologist says he doesn't understand why I'm having bone pain, I should be my oldself again. I had 5 mths of aggressive chemo. I was never informed that Neulasta caused bone pain. Till this day I'm still treated like I'm making the pain up or I'm just crazy. My Dr won't admit that Neulasta is/was the reason for my bone pain. I pray the pain will just stop one day but I truly don't think it ever will.

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Mdyounger 20 Jan 2019

My wife had very severe pain after Neulasta. Day one was ok but starting day two the pain was unbearable. Today is day three and she is weeping. We were not properly warned about this.

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mbanana04 20 April 2017

2-3 days and the pain peaks? HA. It's been almost a year since my last Neulasta application, and I am still experiencing bone/muscle pain from my elbow to my shoulder. Tylenol does not help. Advil does not work. Hydrocodone does not work. Oxy does not work. I am discovering I am not alone. I have also discovered that it seems we have no recourse other than to live with the pain? This is so very unacceptable.

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jbutream 8 Oct 2018

it has been well over a year since my last Neulasta and my arm hurts at the site an dis horrible when I move certain ways.

toyin999 28 Aug 2016

Five years after chemo I still have bone pain.

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lady794 11 Sep 2016

2 yrs after treatment and I also have severe bone pain

scientistsahai 10 Feb 2011

It has been observed that breast cancer patients taking chemo & Neulasta suffer from bone pain. This is induced by Neulasta (pegfilgrastim) and the pain generally peaks around 3 days after the injection.

Naproxen (500mg, twice daily) has been successful in reducing the severity of the bone pain. Generally taken on 2,3,5 days of the chemotherapy cycle, this helps to improve the quality of life and reduce the suffering.

Please consult your doctor before taking any medicine.

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Inactive 23 Oct 2013

Really? The bone pain really peaks three days after the injection? I don't think so. I received six Neulasta injections following chemo for the treatment of lymphoma. The bone pain peaked about a week after each injection and remained at a high level for a week thereafter, for a total period of misery of two weeks. Othrrs have experienced the same thing. Oncologists appear unwilling to accept this fact, and thus. appear unwilling to prescribe appropriate pain relief. Some appear to suspend chemo if the patient persists with complaints of severe bone pain after receiving Neulasta injections.

Lecy 13 Oct 2016

It's almost a month and I'm still getting side effects from neulasta. Some days I wake and I can't walk the pain and shortness of breath is too much.

Cindymema 5 Oct 2017

I had 5 days of excruciating, debilitating bone pain until I finally asked for pain meds. Claritin did nothing to ease my pain. I only had to take one pain pill to get relief. I was told there would be "discomfort" no one prepared me for the level of pain I felt. free discount card

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neulasta, breast cancer, pain, cancer, injection

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