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How does the volteran gel work? How long to take effect and how long will the pain relief last?

3 Answers

brenda fain 17 March 2011

it goes into your skin and help relief the pain!it helped with my arthritis a lot when it really missed me up in my wrist !

God bless & good luck!

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Inactive 16 March 2011

Voltaren Gel is a topical form of diclofenac. This is what they call a Non-Sterodial Anti-Inflamatory (or NSAID). It works the same way as aleve or advil. It blocks the production of Prostaglandins a type of chemical your body uses to send pain signals to the brain.

While diclofenac is also available as an oral medication the use topically is thought to decrease side effects such as GI upset, GI bleeding, acute kidney failure, or cardiac problems. Tough there is potential decrease in these side effects they are still possible.

Topically, diclofenac can penetrate the skin and cause local effects with out being absorbed to much into the blood. This should provide relief at the site of action.

I could not finf specific info for the onset of action. My guess is within a few hours.

Brian PharmD Candidate

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DzooBaby 16 March 2011

I havent tried the Voltaren gel but I did try the patch form but I have to say it didnt do much for me. You may have better luck than I did however.

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