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How does tessalon perles work in helping a person?


midwestma 18 Jan 2010

I am taking a couple different medications for pain that are narcotics. I also have COPD, and get pneumonia at least twice a year, sometimes three. I have taken many different cough syrups with codeine, hyrocodone, etc. None have compared to the Tesslon perles. You do not get "loopy" or foggy taking them, They are wonderful for "cough control", and they do not add another narcotic to my regime of pills I take daily . I wish you luck, they really work well for me. I hope they do the same for you. I usually take two. They come in 50mg small gel like pills, so 100mg worked for me when I coughed all nite long. And backed off to one If I needed to take it more than once during the day. Bless you

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