I've read many many posts concerning this topic. My own situation began about a 1 1/2 years ago following a car accident. I sustained acute whiplash and a torn shoulder labrum. I've had two surgeries for my shoulder but there is still pain. My neck has never stopped hurting. Last month my primary ordered a CT and discovered that my lower back is in a bad state as well. I have been getting hydrocodone 7.5/500 for my shoulder from the ortho that repaired it. My primary has prescribed hydrocodone 10/500 for my back. These scripts have crossed over three times. My tolerance levels have built up so high that the prescribed doses were no longer effective. When I called Walmart yesterday to ask for my 10's refill, the attendant told me that my refill was not due until Oct. 20th. I questioned her as to why and she couldn't figure out the insurance rejection either so she place my call on hold and asked the pharmacist. When she came back on the line she told me that it appeared I was getting the meds at another pharmacy too, and now she had to call the insurance company to get the name of the other pharmacy. I told her that the pharmacy was Rite Aid, but the meds were two totally different strengths. She said it didn't matter because it was the same med regardless of strength. My heart hit the floor. I told her I was terribly sorry and that I did not realize this was an issue. I had used Rite Aid for both of my shoulder surgery prescriptions but had gotten fed up with them missing voicemails from my doctor for refill info. I told her when I changed to my new primary I also changed pharmacies. After my explanation she said ok and told me that my next refill date is for October 20th. Does this sound like an issue? Is she required to report this in the state of Georgia? I'm so afraid to go back in to see my ortho for my final visit now. How do I know if I've been flagged and why did the insurance company allow the previous three cross over scripts is this is wrong?