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How does lamotrigine interact with methadone?


mpvt 13 May 2010

This is what I found on this subject.

Individuals in methadone treatment are known to have high rates of mood disorders. Lamotrigine is an anticonvulsant approved by the FDA for the treatment of bipolar disorder, particularly for bipolar depression. Rash has been reported as the most frequent adverse effect of lamotrigine, whereas blood dyscrasias have been noted rarely.1 We report the occurrence of rash, thrombocytopenia, and neutropenia associated with lamotrigine in a methadone-treatment patient with hepatitis C infection.
So it looks like you shouldn't have a problem taking the two. Does the methadone doctor not know about the Lamotrigine? If he/she doesn't then you need to let them know... Good luck...

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