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How do I stop taking Pristiq?

20 Answers Page 2

h-buch 6 Aug 2016

My doctor adviced me to come off pristiq once I know that I'm pregnant. But he is not sure if its safe for me without pristiq during pregnancy, because it depends on me if there is no anxiety during the pregnancy term. But afraid to come off.
I hope someone who has the same problem advice me.

Votes: +0
VJo 8 Sep 2016

Please know that there are potential class-action lawsuits against Pfizer by pregnant Mothers who took Pristiq during pregnancy and had children with birth defects.
I would encourage you to discuss titrating down off Pristiq prior to getting pregnant. The discontinuation can be horrendous. I've been going through it for 3 months. I cannot image being pregnant and titrating down at the same time.

kataleya 15 June 2017

If you want to get off, do it only with your doctor's supervision. But don't risk depression and anxiety during your pregnancy. Do whatever it takes: exercise, meditation AND have the doctor prescribe something that works and is ok for pregnancy. It's easy to say try natural things, but if the brain needs help from meds, they are lifesavers. Good luck with a safe, happy pregnancy.

Bettolli14 29 Jan 2018

I took Pristiq 100mg while I was ppregnant and my baby did not have any birth defects. I was worried about her having withdrawal symptoms after birth but she’s been a pretty good and happy baby so far. She is now 5 months.

bwilderlk 10 Nov 2012

I believe I was a depressed baby! I am a 59 year old married mother of 5 and an RN. I started taking Prozac about 20 years ago. Worked wonders for my depression. About 5 years ago, my depression started getting worse and worse. To make it short, I started going to a nurse practitioner at that time. I have been on SO MANY different meds... alone and in combination with others. A couple of months ago I was on Lamictal, Celexa, Pristiq, Adderall, Ambien and Klonopin (prn)... I'm sure spelling is incorrect on some... but all these at the same time! NOTHING worked over a month or so at most. She kept adding and taking away. These are NOT the only meds she tried. I swear! There were times I thought I was going to die... and could very easily have done just that. After a horrible meltdown one Sunday, I started doing some research. I want to be off meds!! I started looking at ECT. I saw her that week and told her what I wanted.


She took me off everything "cold turkey" except the Pristiq and Ambien. I have started ECT... have had 8 treatments and feel better than I have EVER felt in my whole life... but the problem is Pristiq!!! Withdrawal is horrible!! Was on 50mg a day for 2 1/2 year. Even going one day without is not good, although going to do every other day to start off with. I was NEVER warned about this. Everytime I stand I think my heart is going to explode! I have researched Withdrawal from the drug, and realized that the feeling is very common. I called my pharmacist today, too, for reassurance... otherwise I would have been in ER! I hate this drug! I feel horrible on it, and I know getting off is going to be even worse. Check out ETC. Expensive, but thank GOD my insurance covers it. Good luck!

Votes: +0
SusanO 4 April 2013

Wow, ECT? That is serious. But I am happy you are feeling better. I too feel t he same as you. PFIZER/ WYETH should be exposed for what they are. A class action law suit would be appropriate.

PClarkH 21 May 2018

ECT is less frightening and traumatic than you think and many people achieve great results using it. I had it many years ago and I was able to get out of the hospital and off the frightening drugs they had put me on. I have lived long enough with anxiety and depression and a long cocktail of ineffective drugs that I am considering this for myself. Life's too short not to give it a chance.

Mary411 18 April 2012

Stop taking Pristiq very, very carefully especially if coming off 100mg tablets. I believe my doctor has very good professional credentials but he failed to mention the pitfalls of reducing Pristiq dosages to zero. Withdrawal symptoms are accurately described in the patient information so study them carefully and be prepared for the worse case scenario. I came off 100mg much too quickly and have been miserable for a week. I think I'm through the worst withdrawal symptoms but it has been a rocky road getting to this point. I am determined to exhaust all non-prescription treatments for depression before going back to Pristiq because getting off the drug is so difficult. I believe my depression is more of the seasonal variety (SAD) so my first line of defense when daylight decreases will be a lightbox and exercise.


Has anyone had experience with a lightbox? Did you find it helpful? What is a reasonable cost for such a device? Thank you for any insights on managing depression without becoming dependent on medication.

Votes: +0
SusanO 4 April 2013

Go with the light box, also mirrors help if you have a desk away from a window, you can see the window over your back then. Chocolate, exercise can help and distraction. Definitely never take that Pristiq again. (If ever you have a notion to do anything legally against Pfizer/Wyeth, consider me, I am not a litigious person) I am so unhappy my MD failed to tell me the same. I am a health professional and should have known better. Curious, have you ever been able to stop the med? Are you OK? I am in the midst and have tried all sorts of things, mostly distraction helps. The noise and sensations in my brain are horrible, I will no doubt donate my brain to science someday and ask for a review of the damage this drug has permanently caused. I have reported it to the FDA and I suggest you and all others who suffer from this should do the same if they can.


I am a rational, intelligent, informed person who is not crazy and would like to protect and save others from this horrible thing that has happened. The drug was prescribed to me because I have a disability and the MD must have bought it would alleviate some of my symptoms. Believe me, I like my symptoms now, they are way better than PRISTIQ (the drug from you know where).

PClarkH 21 May 2018

I use one now. My doctor recommended it to be used 20 to 30 minutes a day upon rising. He also recommended against going back for that one more hours sleep. Now I have brought my light to work, since I get no natural light here. I am buying another one to use at home. You can get one on Amazon for $30 to $40.

babyr0423 14 Jan 2012

I agree strongly with robo. Never just stop taking Pristiq, or you will have horrible withdrawls from it. You have to taper down from it, like shalloway3 was saying. I did that once, and it was no walk in the park. I ended up missing it and getting back on Pristiq. I'm still taking it. Good luck to you, and take care. Ruth

Votes: +3
SusanO 4 April 2013

Ruth, I feel so sorry for you. If you are happy great! But that drug could be not so good for you. Some folks have to go on PROZAC to get off Pristiq. can you imagine? Blessings.

Susananddon 23 Sep 2019

I’m taking 50 mg of pristiq for 5 months. How do I taper off?

Susananddon 23 Sep 2019

I’m taking 50 mg of pristiq for 5 months. How do I taper off?

sholloway3 14 Jan 2012

I quit pristiq over about a month to six weeks, after taking it for 3 months. I cut tablets in half, then quarters, taking half for a month, then quarter for two weeks, then quarter every second day for another two weeks. Was fine this way.
After 10 months, I am now looking at beginning pristiq again.

Votes: +2
Naz52 24 Jan 2012

I currently take 100mg pristiq and have been for almost 3 years now, I want to stop taking pristiq, My doctor proscribed it for anxiety, Going to the Dr. office is expensive. I went one day with out the pill and I was ok, that was yesterday, today I've had the with drawls and i just took a pill. I will try cutting the pill also, I use to have a 50mg pill in the beginning maybe i should start with cutting in half and so on. Still researching.

mile2102 12 Oct 2012

I agree with sholloway3.
That is the only way to reduse or eliminate the withdrawals.

SusanO 4 April 2013

Tablets should never be crushed cut or chewed. They are time release and can make you very ill if taken this way. It does make sense to do it this way but the tabs are not scored, the insert says specifically do not cut.

Kyocum42 14 April 2017

I am going to try this method. I have written down the dates on my calendar, when to take 1/2 pill then when to take the 1/4 pill. I have been taking Prestiq for 10 years come this September, my fear is that this will not be very easy for me, but hoping for the best. I have already experienced the side effects of missing several days in a row, my balance goes off and I fall to the side for no reason, my dizziness and headaches start until I get back on the pills. Time for a change, this time doing this slowly.

kataleya 15 June 2017

How effective is Prozac w/Pristiq in coming off. My shrink told me to do just that. I haven't started but I have tapered from Pristiq 200 to 50 mg/day. Today I forgot, did not take any, and I have minor head zaps, but major nausea. free discount card

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