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How can I get klonopin for my anxiety and sleep disorder I only sleep about 3 maybe 4 hours a day a?

8 Answers

Mamaruutel 15 April 2020

I have severe anxiety and other sleep issues and have been in this for a few years an need a refill

Votes: +0
Jess101 12 Oct 2018

For years Doctors have given me meds that never really helped me. I have outrageous panic attacks, no motivation, stare at the walls, and hardly get the rest I need. I’m so tired of trial and error drugs. My mom and I have the same problem and she takes it so I think it may help me to. I’m not a drug seeker. I just want to feel normal.

Votes: +0
JtAlmond 12 May 2018

Present at a community mental health center and apply for services. You will be evaluated by a doctor who is on contract from them. There is an array of treatment available thru the mental health center on usually good financial terms with the consumer. Good luck.

Votes: +0
Joesph1 13 Nov 2017

I only sleep 3 hours a night I sleep walk I have panic attacts

Votes: +0
toslow44 22 March 2017

I have the same question?? I have been taking clonazepam 1 milligram 3 times a day for the last 7 years my doctor retired left me with different doctor and she took me off no ween down or anything I really feel like crap I took it for many reasons anxiety of course seizure and pain and now it's gone how do I find a doctor that will help me with this problem thank you

Votes: +0
arcanoidcyst16 30 Aug 2010

I have been on KLONOPIN for 2 years now.So you can ask me almost any question that you would like to know about it.I can tell you almost anything about the medication.If you are trying to get Klonopin.It is available by RX only.Which means PRESCRIPTION ONLY and can only be obtained from either a SHRINK or what ever doctor is doing your TREATMENT PLAN for your ANXIETY.I hope that I was of some help to you.I can also tell you 1 thing about this medication from my own personal experience.That this medication can and will cause EXTREME EXCESSIVE DROWSINESS.Which basically mean's.(It WILL make you tired.)

Votes: +2
booter46 30 Aug 2010

aranoidcyst16 good answer i just started taking it --do you take the same dose ? have you built up a tollerance?I take 3 mgs a day is this too much? it does make me sleep like a baby which i like but i dont want to abuse it ( i been know to do that) but so far its helped with anxiety and i would like too keep taking it

arcanoidcyst16 30 Aug 2010

Yes!!! Over time you will have to gradually raise the dosage but you shouldn't have to.Unless you have been taking it 4 six to eight months or LONGER.If you don't feel the same effects as you used to.Then that means it is time for a RAISE in the amount of dosage.The answer to your question is NO!!! I don't think 3mgs a day is too much BOOSTER.I mean if you are taking what your doctor has prescribed to you.Then you should be fine.If you are not then you need to start taking the right amount.That's all I can say.If you have any more questions about KLONOPIN.Let ME know.I can answer them.:)

booter46 30 Aug 2010

THANKS YOU bryan that is the dose the doctor prescribed .And i will have more questions for you

dd4019 30 Aug 2010

I want to thank all of you. Yall have been very helpful I will talk to my doctor to see what he thinks. I'm just so tired of not beening able to sleep. I think my anxiety was brought on by my soon to be x and My divorce. I used to be out going now I don't like going around anyone.

arcanoidcyst16 31 Aug 2010

We all our glad to help you through your struggle my friend and NO PROBLEM booster anytime you need to know something about Klonopin let me know.Take Care now!!! :)

Tammy Moulton 21 Dec 2018

I have one more comment about the use of clonazepam. Everyone is different I was on clonazepam for 10 years. At one point Dr had me at 2mgs 4×d one script would last me 2mths because I lowered it myself to 1mg 4×d. With no problem never felt like I needed more and was doing great still with some anxiety and trouble sleeping but was able to function and was able to leave my house without freaking out. Everyone is different and unfortunately some people have to or think they have to increase their dosage. And I'm sorry but sometimes these are the Ppl who make it hard for Ppl like me to continue with my prescription.

Tammy Moulton 22 Dec 2018

Just one more thing for pretty much everyone on these sites. I've been reading alot of these posts and most are older 2008, to 2015. Not to many newer ones! Why is that? I never even knew they existed. I did read one that someone posted that they were monitored by Drs and pharmacist. Which is fine with me I have nothing to hide and think it would help if Drs really knew how we felt and what we have to go through. Anyone have an answer to this?

booter46 29 Aug 2010

my doctor prescribed them because he didnt want to give me xanax .and they did help my anxiety and help me sleep first question on this site was is klonopin like xanax? My doctor had no problem writing a scrip for klonopin but treated me like addict when i ask for xanax and i got some great answers from people like maso4169 --sweetlemon--astrokittycat--on my question

Votes: +4
arcanoidcyst16 30 Aug 2010

I am here for you as well my friend.I have also been taking Klonopin for 2 years now.So I can tell you literally anything you would like to know about it.Good Luck with the Anxiety BOOSTER42!!! Let me know if you need any help with the site or anything else on here.:)


marla12622287 12 July 2017

Xanax works much faster and is more prone to abuse. It can also cause rebound anxiety which simply means that when it wears off or u run out your anxiety will be worse than before u started taking it. Xanax also has a more severe withdrawal effect. But withdrawal from either of these drugs are very serios, causing more anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure and in some cases psychosis and death

Tammy Moulton 21 Dec 2018

I have a question for arcanoidcyst16. I have a question for you that I'm sorry is not following the question asked. I also have an arcanoidcyst mine is on my pituitary gland. Had it drained in 2013. My question is do you think that the cyst has alot to do with your anxiety? I know mine does and the neurologist agrees. Unfortunately I was a teaching case when they did surgery. So I only have to have a MRI every 4 years to see if it grown back. So I have to depend on PCP or psychiatrist to put me back on my clonazepam which is the only thing that has ever worked. I also have panic attacks. And uncontrolled muscle movements. The new Drs that I am going to do not realize that the pituitary cyst contributes to the anxiety that I already have. Do you ever have problems with Drs not understanding?

Tammy Moulton 21 Dec 2018

I have a question for arcanoidcyst16. I have a question for you that I'm sorry is not following the question asked. I also have an arcanoidcyst mine is on my pituitary gland. Had it drained in 2013. My question is do you think that the cyst has alot to do with your anxiety? I know mine does and the neurologist agrees. Unfortunately I was a teaching case when they did surgery. So I only have to have a MRI every 4 years to see if it grown back. So I have to depend on PCP or psychiatrist to put me back on my clonazepam which is the only thing that has ever worked. I also have panic attacks. And uncontrolled muscle movements. The new Drs that I am going to do not realize that the pituitary cyst contributes to the anxiety that I already have. Do you ever have problems with Drs not understanding?

Inactive 29 Aug 2010

I take klonopin (clonazepam).

You must make an appoinment with a pshyachiarist, they are the ones who prescribe this sort of medication, you need a prescription for it.

Do not buy anything online, they are fake and dangerous.

Take care.

Votes: +6
Tammy Moulton 21 Dec 2018

Even going to a psychiatrist won't automatically give you clonazepam. Especially if you are on opioids. Even if you know what work's for you. They will put you on a bunch of other drugs that cause reactions and withdrawal symptoms. And yes I have been willing to try what they have given me. None have worked. My PCP is the only one who gave me the clonazepam for 10yrs. First time in my life I felt normal. Unfortunately she got sick. New Dr will give back to me in March we shall see. Psychiatrist will not prescribe either. So here I sit not wanting to leave my house, shaking like a leaf, terrible head aches. Not to mention how bad the anxiety has gotten. I see why Ppl have chosen to get meds from the internet. Not something I would ever do I'm to chicken. But I understand why Ppl do it. free discount card

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klonopin, anxiety, sleep disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, sleep

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