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What is the highest dose of Adderall that is prescribed it to an adult?

Answers Page 2

hlzimmerman 14 Oct 2015

Anywhere from 90-120mg a day. Verified answer from a legit Dr in PA, the strictest state around.

Votes: +4
qmnmd27zen 1 July 2018

90mg-120mg is legitimately what I have been needing for the last 7 years, but live in southern California and can't find a psychiatrist that will work with me or listen. They have me living like a zombie and my family watches me sleep all day.i have ADD and narcolepsy, but out here there's not one Physician to help me out of this hell. I am suicidal at this point, nothing else works and I'm so desperately in need of anything.

Mackintosh 3 Oct 2015

The highest therapeutic dose is normally reserved for adults with Narcolepsy and that dose tops out at 80 mg./day total for the immediate-release formula, I believe. However, from what I understand, it is not common to Rx that high of a dose.
For ADHD in adults, the highest dose is 60 mg./day total.

Votes: +4
Futuresphd 7 April 2018

Wow. Your answer is wrong. There is no legal or Max dose. Therapeutic for a 90lb female who is first starting it or a 220 lb male who had been on the drug for 20 years? Case by case and depends on many factors including I suppose how many inaccurate answers users believe regarding this post and similar ones.

Mjvoss 23 May 2018

For three years I was taking 90 mg a day.
When my neurologist retired 3 months ago, his colleague started prescribing me 60 mg a day.
The reason it was raised to 90 mg is because my body had gotten used to the 60 mg and I was falling sleep during the day.
I've had narcolepsy with cataplexy for 20+ years.
I was told that 90 was too high & could cause a heart attack.
I have noticed a slight relied on my heart, as it was kinda stressed whenever I would get irritated.
Maybe they went hand in hand.
My issue is the EDS still.
Pharmacist recommended Vit B 12 to boost energy, but it's done nothing to help over the last 3 days.

GPR2090 24 Aug 2018

You have no idea what your talking about and should not make blanket statements on a subject without proper research. Its well documented and can be found easily online that in the case of traumatic brain injury patients dealing with comorbid conditions regarding secondary ADHD, there is no size fits all dosage of stimulants. Look it up. There are dozens of studies from the US, Canada, and Europe supporting high dose stimulant use in order to help a TBI patient push through the extreme cognitive dissonance that patient is dealing with.

MNDMMR2019 4 Jan 2019

Realizing this information was posted in 2015 being 4 years ago I found it very informative. After many years since early childhood knowing it wasn’t normal for most people to be easily distracted with difficulty concentrating/focusing on one task at a time. Dealing with this problem for many years it wasn’t until my 30’s before I finally confided everything to a therapist I trusted. After testing I was diagnosed with adult ADD and soon after bipolar disorder along with narcolepsy. From what I can remember I was first prescribed 40mg daily of Adderall. I am now prescribed 60mg daily taking 20mg TID. Recently I’ve been feeling as though it’s not working or my system has so very well adapted to the same dose I’ve taken for many years I no longer feel fully the same positive results and can frequently take one dose and fall asleep shortly after for a few hours. I’m at a cross point where I’m not sure what to do.


I feel my current psychiatrist doesn’t listen or understand frequently changing prescribed meds to treat bipolar disorder and ignoring the fact that I also have been diagnosed with ADD. Not wanting to be judged or labeled as having drug seeking behavior I’m not comfortable discussing this with her. Then again I really don’t want to have to increase my dose. Feeling tired of radpid med changes, feeling constantly, chronically tired and severely depressed having only 4-5 manic episodes ever. Most manic episodes have been radically unpleasant until most recently having one lasting 9 days and feeling happy and refreshed from the experience. My depression has not been under control for several years. As I mentioned she constantly stops one med abruptly and prescribed another never allowing mind and body to feel any therapeutic effects. My narcolepsy diagnosis seems to be fairly under control which I feel is due to taking Adderall daily . I realize this comment is quite long and I do apologize. However I need some good advice and a good opinion from another medical professional. My sincere thanks

Koolcop127 28 March 2019

Im a 33 years old male and I’ve been prescribed adderall for over 15 years now. My current dosage is 4 Adderall 30mg pills a day for ADHD. I take 120mg a day and I get 120 adderall 30mg pills every month.

Bxmam 18 Jan 2021

It’s good to take a break from Adderall. Be 1, 2, or even 7 days. You get use to being alert, quick witted and over all positive vibes from it. I get it, I’m prescribed for 60 mg / day. I’ve been on it for 16 yrs. I’m severe adhd, TBI, and Bipolar. Sometimes I fall asleep while on Adderall. It’s a God send for us but just like everything else you have to balance your mind. free discount card

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adderall, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd), dosage, prescription

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