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I have tried four times over the years to get off Cymbalta. Who has been successful and what to do?

5 Answers

beshill 2 Sep 2023

I was on Cymbalta 60 mg for fibromyalgia ( which I have for 50+ years) for many years until 8 years ago. Wasn't helping & made me sweat all the time. Just cut down on dose by taking less for a week-- then another-- think it took me 3-4 weeks and no real problems. Hope you manage to get off it. All these wonder drugs do us more harm than good and really don't help, in my opinion. Have tried them all.

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WildcatVet 2 Sep 2023

These types of drugs work exceptionally well for most people with no problems or side effects but unfortunately a percentage of user's metabolisms don't respond to them. I guess it's the luck of the draw as to whether how any given person will do on them. :(

todance 2 Sep 2023

I was able to withdraw off of Cymbalta. I had specific instructions from my doctor. It took some time because I had to slowly reduce the dosage. It was not an easy withdrawal but it was well worth it. I felt so much better once I got completely off it. I had no idea how many side affects I was experiencing until I quit taking it.
Good luck!!

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cindy-59 1 Sep 2023

I was able to get off Cymbalta by tapering very slowly. I joined a Cymbalta support group and thankfully they helped me with the advice I needed to get completely off it.

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WildcatVet 1 Sep 2023

Hi, jdeeley!
How have you tried to discontinue it so far? Have you had your doctor's advice? It can be done. My doctor put me on a decreasing dosage schedule for about a month and I did fine.
Please don't try to do it on your own especially not with Internet advice.
Regards and best of luck to you.

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Quando62 31 Aug 2023

Gosh, never felt it work and never missed it going cold turkey, aspirin was stronger to me.

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cymbalta, withdrawal

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