Hello folks..long time Suboxone user. Legal & prescribed. I was on Methadone for about 8 years and heroin for about 8 years before that. I moved to a place where the nearest methadone clinic was 4 hours away! Couldn't do it. A doctor here had mercy on me and gave me Suboxone. I can't say I like it at all, but I aint sick. That has to be the gnarliest feeling in the world. So now, I have side effects from this. Pretty severe. I have no liver problems that I know of. I was always safe. And I thought that I was over all pretty healthy. Well, since being on the Suboxone, I have lost 50 pounds in this last year giving me the grand weight of 123 lbs. as of this morning. I'm 5' 8", and no offense to anyone, but I'm beginning to look like a holocaust victim. Also, the back acne..my back looks like a war zone where it NEVER has before. Has anyone else noticed this? Please, any input would help if you have noticed these things or if you have any comments..thanks. ~HAZEY~