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Has anyone lost weight on cymbalta,and how much loss? Very interested?

4 Answers

Steph433972 1 July 2020

I've been on this for only 2 weeks and I have lost 10 pounds so far I have completely lost my appetite have to make myself eat but I'm excited about dropping some pounds

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keyairuh 21 Feb 2010

cymbalta? the med for depression?? i take 60mg a day. i havent noticed any major weight loss. ive been taking it for roughly 6 months or so. im not really over weight, but i wouldnt mind shedding a couple pounds lol.

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Princess22008 20 Feb 2010

I have lost 25 pounds so far and that is the main reason that I was put on this particular medication since I had gained so much on so many of the other psychotropic meds. I have to force myself to eat sometimes because i am just not hungry. I have been on it since the end of November.

Votes: +1
Copwife 24 June 2010

Since November 2009, you lost 25 lbs? wow that is amazing. My doc took me off Lexapro 20mg, So the side effects of Cymbalta I dont have yet. I hope I loose as much weight as you :))))))

diceman0186 20 Feb 2010

i take Cymbalta myself and havn't experienced any weight loss but my friend who recomended it 2 me lost 10 lbs on it. so i'de recomend calling your doctor 2 find out for sure if it cause's weight loss. hope i could be os some help to you

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